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Everything posted by Mustang

  1. Wow, thanks Joe! That was an unexpected surprise this evening! There were some excellent entries this month - I wasn't exactly confident! I loved Edward's MD-11, Aircraft Aviation's 767 on approach, plus there were a couple of great A380 & C-130 shots in the thread. Lots of potential winners for me, well done all! I'll PM you back soon. Time to feed little Hayden (the future co-pilot) as my wife's trying to get some sleep After a bank holiday weekend spent at the hospital (glad to report all is fine) they're finally back home today. Not much time for flight simming lately - or much cha
  2. Finally got around to finding some entries this month; first for quite a while. Life's been busy of late (my wife's just given birth to my future co-pilot!), or I've had no suitable aircraft in the hangar! This is the only wide body I have, but it sure is wide! Pregnant Guppy making final checks before take off. Slowly lumbering into the sky on a different occasion. It sure likes to hug the ground :biggrin: But once it's up it's a thing of beauty. Well, sort of... Good luck everyone! Some cracking shots posted so far -Martyn
  3. I agree - I tried it yesterday. You can slew it up to 10,000ft and drop it. It takes a few thousand feet but eventually starts gliding, and you can fly it by way of elevator trim and rudder. :001_th_smiles89: What's more, you can raise/lower the gear & flaps, and switch all the lights on or off with the 'L' key. Brilliant... I preferred their 757 and C-130 demos, where you could at least start the engines, taxi around, and take-off, albeit with no working instruments or joystick controls. Either way, it looks great and my PC performed surprisingly well. Though with no instruments or avio
  4. Great shots, wingit! :icon_thumbup: Some late entries from me. After a couple of months of having no suitable aircraft or enough imagination, I just remembered to have a dig through my screenshots for some candidates for this month. I'm not entirely satisfied with what I found, but better than nothing :smile: A pair of Catalinas looking for a place to land: ... and finding it! And this one from a recent early-morning AirHauler flight. Cheers, Martyn
  5. Bravo! Good review of a very good aircraft! I know it doesn't have every bell & whistle when it comes to 'extra' features (though you omitted to mention the oh-so-important folding table and armrests ), but from a piloting perspective it's about as good as it gets. The backlit gauges that work in the daytime are a brilliant addition too. I only miss the engine management that comes as a necessity with something like A2A's Stratocruiser (with Accu-sim), or the Aerosoft Catalina (on my wish-list). If it had that feature the Duke would be perfect! :smile: As it is, the CHT can go through
  6. Some stunning entries so far this month! I've just been out storm-chasing in my Duke. But there comes a time when one must dash for home! Battling on towards the airfield: And a few hundred yards from touchdown (cropped for better effect): (Landing light effects/halos drawn just behind the actual landing lights, annoyingly!) Good luck all Martyn
  7. And a no. 1 from me. I just love my new set of wings :great: Catching the last rays of sunlight, preparing to descend into the abyss... Edit: Entry removed to make way for another later on. Old picture here for anybody who still wants a look! Martyn
  8. Just to say thanks for the other comments and welcomes - you are a nice bunch! I'm wondering what I can conjure up for the coming month's competition! I think it's going to take some imagination this time, which puts me at a distinct disadvantage I picked Traffic X as my prize, so that should brighten up the airports the world over! I have the freeware OZx AI traffic to go with the ORBx scenery, but Traffic X ought to spice up the types and airlines, and cover the rest of the globe. Looking forward to it! And Joe will be pleased to hear (following our couple of PMs) that I've given in al
  9. Wow, thanks all!!! :dance: Such a nice surprise to brighten my work day when I popped along here earlier, during my lunch break! I think it's the first thing I've won since I was 6 years old :biggrin: Also, my wife finally passed her driving test today, after so much bad luck (not bad driving), so it's turned into a very happy day all around! Thanks again for the kind words & the welcomes! Also a huge thanks to Mutley for running the competitions - I think the idea of the themes is excellent. And thanks to Just Flight for the prize (am still to decide!). Since I 'came out of nowhere
  10. Thanks for the welcome, Soya! Well, FS9 can still turn out some pretty stunning shots - I've been having a wander through some of the many previous months' entries the last couple of days. A good angle and good composition are more important than any photo-real terrain or otherwise. I see a lot of FSX shots that are stunning at a glance, but as a screenshot they're sometimes not that exciting or special, beyond the add-on terrain or aircraft that makes up most of the picture. (My first entry above is one such example! I only included it because the wing looks so nice and shiny! ) I'm j
  11. Hello all. New member here! There are some excellent shots in this thread, but thought I'd give it my best shot. I found this thread just in time - after all, you can't have a wing view contest without A2A's beautiful Stratocruiser :smile: So here are three entries from me: Good luck all! Martyn
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