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Aircraft Aviation

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Everything posted by Aircraft Aviation

  1. Hello Akhil, Do you have a photograph of your stepper motor that you could post here? That way it will be easier to advise. Cheers, Jack
  2. Just clearin' out the "doubles" Dai; I already own all of these titles and these are just duplicates I have collected over the years. The CDs already have a few watchers Rob, but I'll try advertising elsewhere too if they don't sell. Jack. EDIT: Speaking of 767 parts, we've just bought about £700 worth of stuff for the cockpit so don't think we're finished yet!
  3. Hello everyone, I am selling 6 add-ons on Ebay, 5 of which are brand-new in the original packaging, one of which is brand new, just without the shrink-wrap. 757 Captain: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/330787511008?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649#ht_500wt_1203 C-130 Hercules: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/330787513118?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649#ht_500wt_1203 Comet Jetliner: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/330787519266?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649#ht_500wt_1203 DC-3 Legends of Flight: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/330787516651?ssP
  4. Hello all, For any of you 737 flyers out there, Opencockpits have released a "professional" version of their CDU. This means that it is complete with backlighting, etc, etc, AND includes a VGA display as opposed to their previous CDU which only had a TV-OUT input. http://www.opencockpits.com/catalog/b737-mounted-ready-p-370.html?cPath=22_61 At 437 Euros, it's the cheapest FMC/CDU on the market to my knowledge; definitely worth a look.
  5. Hi Max, Flight Deck Solutions are one of the most respected (if not THE MOST) FS hardware companies out there. They are extremely professional, they even do commissions for Boeing and Airbus, and have worked on Boeing 787 simulators since 2005 (before we even knew anything about the 787). Peter Cos (the CEO) is the guy you provided contact details for. He is usually extremely quick to answer email replies. I do not joke when I say, I sent an email to him once and got a response within 60 seconds (he carries his iPhone with him everywhere). I reccommend you give him another try, pcos@flightd
  6. Colin; you've got the world's finest doctors looking after you. No need to worry. At all. I know you'll be absolutely fine! Jack
  7. Colin, I apologise so much for missing your post... It just got slowly pushed down! I was so happy when I sussed out what your name meant and thought perhaps we have another astronomer on here. I'm glad you enjoyed these photographs' the Crab Nebula (M1) photo was voted the best photograph on the website, and I'm so proud to have taken it. I had thought you would have voted for M31... ! I actually have 2 more photographs that I have recently received. Brian has offered to process them for me and I will do a little colour-level (RGB) work myself... If there's enough interest I will post here
  8. Thanks Max; I think it is a good price considering Saitek charge £125 each for these brand new!
  9. Thanks Kieran. We're going to CockpitFest there this year so maybe we can get inside the Vulcan!
  10. Hmmm... I go to Newark often and have never seen it open! I even had my Class 2 Medical there last week. Maybe I'm just unlucky! Cheers for the photos Kieran. Jack
  11. Thank you very much Kieran, Brian, Dai, Max and Tim! These supportive comments are really excellent! Thanks so much. Maybe it was a little eccentric but I'm glad the review got all the points across! It was a complex subject matter so I'm happy everyone understands it . Cheers, Jack
  12. Hi Max, Indeed the Vulcan does have the EGT Gauges. It'd be nice to get into the cockpit of one so I can see inside to confirm the identity. Cheers, Jack
  13. Hello everyone, I am selling TWO Saitek Pro Flight Radio Panels for £80 each + P&P. I am willing to sell both together for £155. They are used, but have all the original packaging/documentation/parts etc. They come with the mounting screws and Pro Flight CD. They work excellently; however I have decided to switch to a more realisitic alternative. This is a good £45 off the standard retail price, which I think is fair enough considering they are used but pretty much "as new". If you are interested, please contact me via PM or leave a message here! Cheers, Jack
  14. Thanks for your research Max; it would be awesome if these did indeed come from a Vulcan!
  15. Cheers Micke! I'm happy that someone almost opted for the Pinwheel; it's one of my favourites. I have re-uploaded the photographs in the first post; they have now been processed by our resident photo expert Brian! The edits are simply to make the colours stand out more; these edits are nowhere near the level of adjustment you get with the Hubble Photos. Photo 1 still remains completely unedited.
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