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Everything posted by wain

  1. great shots Dolf, love the quality of the scenery in the first...
  2. @jaydor happy birthday James, hope you have a great day, must be different having Christmas and birthday so close....
  3. wain

    QW 787 + CS 757

    cheers guys, Happy Christmas to you to..
  4. nice, never had any of their stuff, how do you rate them and what are they comparable to?
  5. I know it's past but I hope you all had a great day yesterday..........
  6. nice one JK, where do you upload to? still not got this yet but I don't think I can resist much longer...
  7. I bought the 787 a long while back but I have not really had the time to fly it. A few shots below of a flight from Cardiff to Amsterdam yesterday, once I got my head around all the screens I found it a pleasure to use, had a bit of a slow down in frames descending as we had heavy rain and a huge amount of clouds but it is very detailed within the cockpit... I also took advantage of the sale at Captainsim, I did tell you all, here are a few shots of the 757 enroute to Dublin..... I did find at both airports default ATC sent me to GA parkin
  8. @allardjd Happy Birthday to you John, hope you have a great day.........
  9. Just in case you didn't get an email........ All captin sim 25usd (just over £20) for 24 hours, at time of typing this there is 13 hours left.......just got the 757 III for p3d4, only the base 200 though but well happy.....
  10. If you have a spare 10 minutes or so wander over to ORBX, hthey have a very long post with lots of pics regarding their 2019 roadmap, great things happening to P3D and XP11.... hopefully link works.... https://orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/164884-orbx-2019-roadmap-231-screenshots/
  11. wain

    twitchy rudder

    yeah that was first thing I tried Al, like I said I think it's all sorted now by unplugging the other controller...
  12. John I don't really fly military but I would say really look into any payware and check reviews and ask users on here, there is some great stuff both free and payware however I have still managed to buy a few poor ones. I test a lot for JF and their stuff is always very good but they are new to the XP format but Dan Klue who helps them does really know his stuff....Carenado you know what you get....an obvious airline in Zibo(free) and most stuff from Flight Factor, I also like SSG 748....over at Xaviation they have a couple of exclusives that are really good, IXEG classic 737 and a TBM 900 whi
  13. wain

    twitchy rudder

    thanks for getting back to me with your thoughts. I think I have solved it, I have a Xbox 360 controller plugged into a rear USB, I use it for driving sims etc, anyhow I have unplugged that an initial testing seems good..... Cheers
  14. wain

    twitchy rudder

    I have the above controller and really like it, use it when I have not got time to put up my yoke and pedals. All has been very good with it until the last day or so. It has started to twitch and veer me off to the right, this is happening in P3D4.4 and XP11 NON BETA. It is like I am repeatedly twisting and releasing, not sure what to look at. I never remove it from the PC unless the yoke is plugged in and it is calibrated using the sim. I guess I possibly have 2 choices, I have already gone through re-calibration and setting it up again. So some will say FSUIPC? I have never used used pa
  15. I actually thought this had been available for ages but it seems quite recent? I never saw the original way back in black and white tv times...
  16. wain

    RAF Phenom

    nice one James, nice aircraft to....
  17. wain

    clouds etc....

    sceenies for my settings in XP11 & UWXP, sky & cloud textures load randomly every time I load the sim....
  18. wain

    clouds etc....

    @UKJim which settings? XP?...UWXP?...let me know and I will post a screen shot.......
  19. great shots JK, I love the shiny metal, close to buying that but put off by the dull looking liveries from AH....
  20. the return journey was better, quick shot above the cloud......
  21. such a satisfying feeling when you get it all together, press the button and it fires into life.......happy days..
  22. wain

    Just Three

    nice and clear...
  23. wain

    clouds etc....

    yeah for me UWXP is currently the best, I have it set to load random cloud and texture sets on every load.....
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