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Everything posted by Troy

  1. Nice shots mate. Makes my fs look old and out dated .. hehee
  2. OMG !! This is impossible for me to answer. I have recently gotten into the payware aircraft and I am always flying the PSS 757, LDS 767 or PMDG 747's. I am in love with payware. Timing depends on the tme I am starting the flight, If int he morning then a long haul or a few short hauls .. heheh Sorry for no definitive answer.
  3. Could it be Warrnambool? YBWL?
  4. Malta ? I forget to ICAO at the moment.
  5. Well I know for next time .. lol I'll be a hard task master .. lol
  6. Ooo I guess that means you know it
  7. Nice Guess Rob, but no. Clue #1 is a pictorial clue ... (Could be a dead giveaway)
  8. OK, Here are a few pics. I'll put a clue tomorrow if no one guesses. I must admit I have not read throught he 11 pages to see if this one has been used before or not.
  9. OK. Well I am inflight now so when I land or first thing when I get home tomorrow night I'll get a pic up.
  10. Sigh I can't link a photo of the airport without it saying what airport it is I have slected., I feel such a newbie. Can I post a flight sim pic of an airport instead?
  11. I think it more of the incorrect guesses as well. They seemed to point towards an Asia/Pacific region (In my mind) Clue 1, kept me in that area. I search google using the clues you gave without much succes. it was a combination of clue 4 and 6 that did it for me. I knew Continental flew to Guam as they continue onto Cairns in Australia (I am an Aussie) I googled Concorde destinations and as soon as I saw Guam, I knew that was it.
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