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Mutley Crew
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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by Tim_A

  1. Pumps. "Hand pumps? Foot pumps?" "foot pumps." "No. Pumps for your feet. Brown pumps, size nine..."
  2. Englishman: "That your Dog"..?? Welshman: "Aye". Englishman: "Mind if I Speak to him"..?? Welshman: "Dog don't Talk.” Englishman: Hey Dog, how's it going"..?? Dog: "Doing All Right, Thanks". Welshman: (Look of Shock). Englishman: Is this your Owner"..?? (Pointing at the Welshman). Dog: "Yep." Englishman: How's He Treating You"..?? Dog: "Real good. He walks me twice a day, feeds me great food and takes me to the park once a week to play." Welshman: (Look of Total Disbelief). Englishman: "Mind if I Talk to your Horse"..?? Welshman: "Horse Don't Talk”. Englishman: "Hey
  3. Mostly the issues seem to be around the various GPS / aircraft 'fix' mods, which cause aircraft to crash when the sim is updated. Usually there's an update for them within a day or three, but you do need to remove the extant versions if you don't want to crash.
  4. The launcher (in the MS Store, or on Steam) always updates with a new release. At least it has so far. You may not notice though, if you have auto update enabled for the store. Every update seems to break some Addon content (remember, this is Microsoft...). Sometimes it just stops working, sometimes it causes a crash. Received wisdom these days is to empty your community folder, do the update, then gradually reintroduce stuff and see what breaks.
  5. Can't get in - "access to the content servers is currently unavailable"
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