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Mutley Crew
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Everything posted by Tim_A

  1. This looks interesting: https://seafrontsims.com "Enhance every flight with thousands of vessels lining the coasts, estuaries and inlets. We've filled the harbours, ports and marinas with regionally accurate vessels including row boats, RIBs, powerboats, motorboats, sailing yachts, superyachts and ships! We're aiming for global coverage Vessels of all shapes, sizes and types. We're bringing you hundreds of thousands of vessels."
  2. Carenado . . . no. I think they have chosen to be only on the MSFS Marketplace.
  3. There are definitely aircraft available for MSFS through Orbx Direct and SimMarket, probably other outlets too.
  4. I won't say what happened to a lot of my model aeroplanes as a kid, but it involved lighter fluid, an upstairs window, and mysterious burn marks in the lawn . . .
  5. Hi Max, I’m great. You? The problems really are in the areas msfs has not yet implemented. Soft buttons on the G1000 for example. There’s no suggestion that they won’t be implemented, just that they aren’t there yet. FSDeveloper and the SDK section of the MS forum are the places to find more detailed info.
  6. I only use it as a means for connecting Plan-G, and in that context it works as well as previous versions. (telemetry/status functions, autopilot switches etc). As I understand it, the implementation of offsets etc in FSUIPC7 is complete, but there may still be some things that MSFS doesn't handle.
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