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Mutley Crew
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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by Tim_A

  1. Ah, the old toothbrush moustache! I wonder why that went out of favour....
  2. Had the same email from Just Flight (the Carenado sale one, not the liquidation one!!!). There's a few planes I want that have finally achieved discount prices . . . .
  3. Santa might be bringing me True Earth Netherlands, and EGHI, if I'm good, and make lots of money before the end of the sale...
  4. Hall effect - voltage difference perpendicular to a magnetic field. Used all over the place in multitudes of sensors.
  5. To quote the Bard, as seville as an orange . . . CIVIL!
  6. Steph’s arrival in Livingstone last evening was just in time for a rather splendid dinner on the hotel veranda, overlooking the Falls. It was good to catch up after all this time, and we dined on a variety of local dishes cooked to perfection by world renowned chefs (although, bowing to well established aviation tradition, I forewent the oven roasted Zambezi bream in favour of the more reliable warthog cutlets. (click the pics for full size) The following morning we made our way back to the airport, Steph to catch a flight back across the border, and me to carry the baton north
  7. Traitor's Gate (one-way entrance into the Tower of London)
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