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Mutley Crew
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Everything posted by Tim_A

  1. Bonbon (forbidden fruit for us diabetics).
  2. http://www.tasoftware.co.uk/?page_id=283
  3. Good one. I'm off to Enstone tomorrow for a bacon buttie (it being my "local")
  4. Chewing (no, wasn't tempted. Okay, I was, but I didn't go there! )
  5. which is something we're told not to do with money . . .
  6. Tim_A

    Function keys

    Function keys in FSX are predefined for things like throttle, flaps etc (you can see & change the assignments in the Controls/Keyboard control panel). HOWEVER, a lot of modern keyboards make the F-keys do all kinds of weird stuff, like moving web pages, video/song playback, volume, screen brightness etc, and not what you generally expect the f-keys to do. Fortunately there should be an "FN" button somewhere on your keyboard. This will toggle the function keys between doing their proper job and the weird manufacturer-specific jobs.
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