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Mutley Crew
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Everything posted by Tim_A

  1. There will be a new TCAS alert: "Package! Package! Pay Up! Package!" (you'll have to do the voice yourself )
  2. In my case that's more legging it before the bank catches on . . .
  3. I don't think this year has been extra specially bad, it's just that (a) the celebs *we* grew up with are reaching popping-off age and (b) thanks to the modern internet-of-things we all get to hear of it pretty much instantly. Previously it was either "Xyz has died." "Who? Meh!" or ""Did you know wossname died?" "Yeah, that was years ago, didn't you know?"
  4. Anansi Boys is a rather good novel by Neil Gaiman (sequel to American Gods)... Boy Band.
  5. Looks a bit like Sam the Eagle . . .
  6. Ouch. Paypal has a history of being heavy handed and penalising businesses for no ultimately good reason. Let's hope it gets resolved quickly (I too was going to buy something in the sale, and naturally, using Paypal . . .)
  7. Start FSX and go to the aircraft selection screen. Everything is controlled from within the sim.
  8. Tim_A

    Plan G

    Yup, lots of people use it with FSX Steam. As Joe said, just set the folders and you're good to go. But download and install the updated beta from the Plan-G forum, otherwise you'll have problems with the maps.
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