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Everything posted by ShrewsburyFC

  1. Hi guys, I need some assistance please. I have just explored the REX application a bit more than I previously have & have found It has a flight planning facility and weather GPS thing. I have set up my route on the flight plan screen & then proceeded to set up the weather selecting the "random weather" option. I have generated a weather scenario and carried on to the Fly Now option within the REX GUI. After this point it will boot up FSX & the weather GPS thing. Once FSX main menu is up and running I will open up the saved flight plan created in rex but opened through F
  2. Interesting stuff! Will be fascinating to see what they do with it next year. Sam.
  3. Hi Nigel, Im glad im not the only Aerofly Fan on the forum! Is the Just Flight Cherokee any good? I wasn't sure if I should get it or not. The visuals are incredible on this software, I posted a few shots back in the day here if your interested: http://forum.mutleyshangar.com/index.php/topic/9238-pitts-s-2b-aerofly-fs/?hl=aerofly Cheers, Sam.
  4. No problem Joe glad you enjoyed them! Sam
  5. Thanks guys! Was a brilliant day out. @ Alan, I have to agree!! Its like one big flying chalkboard Sam.
  6. Hi guys, A few pics taken at the Royal International Air Tatoo today, enjoy! This wasn't the shot I was trying to get (Dam Auto Focus) but I thought it turned out quite well! Sam.
  7. (3) Checking out some other whirly technology Sam.
  8. Interesting - Wonder if anything will materialise in the coming days. Sam.
  9. Thanks Brett - I will have a look at these Cadet Training Videos as they could prove benficial. Sam.
  10. A Huey Departing Tamworth Good luck all! Sam.
  11. Thanks Adrian! The Phenom is a very nice aircraft. Cheers, Sam.
  12. Hi Geoff, I would definitely recommend trying one of their area demos before making a purchase just to see if you like their style or not. Cheers, Sam.
  13. Thanks Guys! See here for some shots of my prize: http://forum.mutleyshangar.com/index.php/topic/13577-screenshot-contest-prize/#entry111252 Cheers, Sam.
  14. Hi Guys, Here are a few shots of my prize. I have only managed a quick flight round as it took me a while to get the thing in the air!! It looks like a great product so far but im sure I've only scratched the surface of what its really capable of. I thought this would be a good choice as Im currently looking to take my flying further in the real world, this product will benefit my Sim experience & real world preparation greatly with the realistic aircraft systems etc. Im still looking into flight schools here in the UK & different airline programs that are available, hopefully I wi
  15. Thanks for the heads up Nigel, was a good watch. Sam.
  16. Thanks for the votes! I will post some shots of the prize when possible. Sam.
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