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Everything posted by PanzerFodder

  1. Look's very good . That should put the wind back in your pipes, Brian . Cheer's...Graham...
  2. Just think that it's due for an update as it is a port over from FS2004 and I don't think the FSX version has added anything to it, it would be nice to have a fully clickable cockpit as many of the switches in the version I have are duff and don't do anything, even one of the trim switches is a fake . Cheer's...Graham...
  3. A promotion was in the air at High River today, the recently recruited AI Pilot "Madeleine Cowan" has achieved the rank of 2nd Officer with a new skill rating of 91% . The owner of the air hauling outfit mr Panzer Oswald Owen Fodder, said that he was very please about her promotion indeed and added that She has been hauling her backside off since she got here last week, up untill tonight "Madeleine" has flown just over 250K worth of cargo in and out of High River, this is a huge achievement in such a short time and I'm very happy to have her on the staff at PFC. Airport employee Nobby Croc
  4. They're already on the old chicken crate Hey Buddy, Now your flying that turboproped chicken chaser a bit more, how are you getting on with the engine start up cycle, and that shooting forward after the engine revs up thing? I just jumped into the Kodiak and I'm getting the same problem now . Did you ever manage to fix it or have you found a work around for it yet??? . Cheer's...Graham... PS: I like pic #2 best, is it called "view of a bus, from another bus"?
  5. That's true and a very welcome bonus from where i'm sitting, makes me wonder how they can afford to do this, and still make a good proffit Cheer's...Graham...
  6. I wish that they would do an updated version of the kodiak, coz now that they have a turboprop and glass cockpit to work with it would be a very smart move on thier part, they would sell tons of those to all the bush flyers that are out there . Cheer's...Graham...
  7. Good idea Joe . What I understand from reading the snippets at the REX site the new REX essentials will in fact be "REX3" so not an add-on at all, and it's also going to be free to the owners of REX2 Cheer's...Graham...
  8. yep, that's what I think too, and I see that you have one as well now BTW: I hope that you have a review planned for when it get's released Cheer's...Graham...
  9. I wonder if the release is getting close now! because somehow my REX siggy has updated itself without me doing anything??? Cheer's...Graham...
  10. Thank you I'll look in AH when I land. I'm pretty sure it's a relatively new plane, I think it came out last summer. I've had it for a few weeks now. I see AH is pulling the time from my PC. Seems like a lot of these small grass/gravel strips I'm going to have no lights. I'd like to be able to fly in the evenings when my kids go to bed so I kinda need to "cheat" on the time of day. If, in flight I change the date/time will that throw off my data? If you go into the AH Options bit and select flight options, there's a box that you can check, so that AH always asks you to choose a time/date
  11. That's good new's then Also see that "Gus's Haulin' Company" is now showing up on the AH stats server Cheer's...Graham...
  12. I would say get another C208, you have to put something in! to get anything out in this game . I'm planning on getting another 310R as I saw a used one is going cheap, it will need a bit of fixing up though! but it should pay for itself withing a couple of week's . Cheer's...Graham...
  13. Yeah I took the plunge and insured it - figured it was the safest option with the son flying it - you know what youngsters can be like :rofl: It's expensive to insure if I recall yep! that's the safest bet buddy, remember when I lost the engine of the 182 up in the Rockys! well It cost me over 10K to get it recovered, and another 59 grand to fix it . BTW: the 310 is working out great in the hands of my AI pilot, it's faster than the 182RG so she can get in more jobs, and it can carry a bit more cargo as well so that makes more $ for me Cheer's...Graham...
  14. I'll head back and get it, as long as I go back and get it and then return and deliver it before the job expires I should be fine, right? Then it won't mess w/ my rep? Correct . if you can find some cargo thats going close to that "part load" you can drop that off first to help pay your fuel bill for the return trip . Cheer's...Graham...
  15. You had better go back and get it, coz your rep will suffer if you don't. If you can't get all the cargo on next time, just pay to off load some fuel so you can get the all the cargo onboard in one go . I just checked and I can not see your company either, did you hit the upload stats button? Cheer's...Graham...
  16. Good tip there John, I've had my slider set at about 60% for all this time and have been scratching about trying to fine a return load on occasions, I just slid it up to the max setting and, Bingo! I have got a good few return to base flights . @ gigemagg99, when taking a job, do remember to keep an eye on the landing fee's at the destination airpoort ! I got my fingers burnt once with a landing fee that was over a grand Cheer's...Graham...
  17. It was business as usual today for PanzerFodders Flying Circus, the fledgling Air Haulage company based at High River, Alberta. Local farmers had feared that PFC was expanding and was about to move to a larger facility in the US, however at an interview with reporters from the High River Echo, Mr. PanzerFodder the founder and owner of PFC, has set their minds to rest and stated that the Flying Circus will be staying in town for now, and said he has no immediate plans to pack up and move on just yet. Panzer added, this place is booming right now, the local restaurants must be making a packet
  18. Go to the AH main menue and then select "Fleet". Then highlight your plane and right click, then select "Paint Job" from the drop down menue (you will have to pay a few bucks to change it). Don't worry about leasing stuff untill you have 50 reputation points, and a load of spare cash . cheer's...Graham...
  19. Cor! I like that, you have a very nice fleet in the making, there Jim . Cheer's...Graham...
  20. That's funny because I wanted to start with the A2A cub, but when I imported it to AH, it carries about 150 less that the default one . Also if you do start with a cub, make sure you select the option for a lot of short and low weight flights, as one hundred miles in a cub is going to be painfull BTW: a lot of very short flights would be a good way to get you reputation up, once you get a rep of 55 or more things really start moving, you can lease stuff and hire new staff . Cheer's and have fun...Graham...
  21. Nicely done m8y, those shockwave lights really the finishing touch don't they . Cheer's...Graham...
  22. Not bad at all Jim, think thats a cracking repaint you have done on this one . Cheer's...Graham...
  23. Nice looking plane, happy hunting to you sir . Cheer's...Graham...
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