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Everything posted by PanzerFodder

  1. Hi Joe, thanks for the welcome and very usefull advice, not sure what way I will go yet as the bloody postal workers have just gone on strike in Canada, so nothing is moving mail wise . Maybe best to hold off for a day or so to see if they go back to work. Now I had better get the hell out of here, because this a Sabre's thread (sorry mate :blush: ) Cheer's...PanzerFodder...
  2. Hi and thanks for the comment! "yechyd da" to you sir :001_th_smiles89: Here's one for you now my little Do-27 on safari in the wild Welsh mountains (Snowdonia National Park) And this is my Ants Tiger Moth in the same area (useing justflights real vfr scenery) This photo scenery is so good, sometimes I think that I'm really there! "LOL" BTW:@Joe sure do remember the hayfever, I now get the Canadian version of it over here as well . Cheer's...PanzerFodder...
  3. I’m new to Muttleys Hanger, so thought I would post a few shots of what I like to do in FSX, to break the ice so to speak. In the shot below, I'm following the M5 North and am just north of the Severn Bridge, Aircraft is a Dornier Do-27, the yellow fields to my left look like Rapeseed growing, that brought back a few happy memories from when I lived down in the west country . Cheer's...PanzerFodder...
  4. Yep me too, I have been reading through the posts on this site and seen a whole lot of new stuff Did you get the download or boxed version of REX, as it's on my shopping list, but an not sure if it will be a major headache downloading files of that size? (think that the free add-on for REX "Overdrive" is about 9 gigs in size ) BTW: @hurricane, Thanks for the welcome, it's nice to meet you Cheer's...PanzerFodder...
  5. Hey Sabre, it looks good buddy . How are you getting on with REX, and your photo scenery? are they working well together? are you useing DX9 or DX10? Cheer's...PanzerFodder...
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