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Everything posted by Wyatt

  1. I tried it, but it isn't working. I forgot to add that directly after idle, the right engine's prop control isn't sensitive enough, but after the center it is to sensitive. Any more ideas? Thanks, Wyatt
  2. Thanks Joe, I want to use either FEX or REX, not both. I am talking about ground textures.
  3. Sorry to bother everyone, but I just plugged in my quadrant, and on it appears that one of the potentiometers is less sensitive than the others and I can't figure out how to calibrate it correctly on windows Calibrator Wizard. Does any one know how to fix this?
  4. You are the 'Cockpit King'! That must have taken years to accumulate!
  5. Wyatt

    Red Text

    Thanks Graham, will do. Wyatt
  6. Hello everyone, I have been looking into improving the quality of FSX, so have been exploring the options. So far I want to get FEX, REX, and a few texture boosters. Can FEX or REX be used with the texture boosters simultaneously, and which one would you recommend? Thanks, Wyatt
  7. Wyatt

    Red Text

    Hello guys, do any of you know how to remove the annoying red text that tell you about the view at the top of the screen? It makes a good pic bad!
  8. Wyatt

    2D Panel vs VC

    The left-hand monitor (larger) is centered in front of me with the main FS view (windscreen and panel). The second smaller monitor is to the right and angled slightly toward me with radio stack and other pop-ups placed on it. It feels for all the world like a center console in a cockpit. It's very satisfactory. John I do the same. I also put the pop up equipment on the second screen. Sometimes I put a second view in the second screen, but that usually slows down my computer!
  9. I have to agree emphatically with Jack on that. If the FS version does that it's severely wrong - 1300 fpm might be more like it, with the windshield full of ground to keep 70 knots. I've never flown the 182 in the RW but the Carenado 182 RG seems pretty good - much like a 172 but with a little more weight, a little more power and a lot less drag when the gear are up. If you want to use it to emulate the straight-legged one, just don't retract the gear. John The 182 has retractable gear?
  10. Wyatt

    2D Panel vs VC

    I also don't fly the big jets. Jankees, in your post you talk about the 2D panels being unsatisfactory, but have you considered getting a more realistic and over all better looking 2d? Here is an example: http://www.fspilotshop.com/product_info.php?cPath=2_70_72&products_id=1194
  11. Sorry for the second post, my Laptop was running slow!
  12. Thank you everyone, I just got the throttle quadrant and pedals, but still have a few questions. First off, what is the proper foot positioning with the pedals? With Cessna-style pedals it appears that you use the toes for the rudders, and slowly etch up the pedal to press the brakes. Is this true for the CH pedals, or is the entire foot placed on the pedal? Thanks again, Wyatt
  13. Thank you everyone, I just got the throttle quadrant and pedals, but still have a few questions. First off, what is the proper foot positioning with the pedals? With Cessna-style pedals it appears that you use the toes for the rudders, and slowly etch up the pedal to press the brakes. Is this true for the CH pedals, or is the entire foot placed on the pedal? Thanks again, Wyatt
  14. That is a baron right? If so is it the default or something like Carenado's?Will it be available in the download centre? Thank you, Wyatt
  15. Hello guys I found this when I was trying to find a way that I could add hangars to my favorite airports, Not only can this program do this but it can create new airports, runways, and taxiways! It is also free!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2VOGBR-4VQ&feature=related
  16. Here is my first attempt to put a FS aircraft into the real world. I originally wanted to make a turning aircraft fly level, but I couldn't find any FS images with out large aircraft in them, so I decided to put in a RW image: A picture I took in Tahoe.
  17. Just got it. It works well, although I would suggest getting the voice pack. I had a little trouble with the [ctr+shift+z] to switch flight mode and instead have to use the [ctr+shift+2] keys. As far as I know their is no way that you can program different keys for that! Over all I like it.
  18. I have had the same problem, and also don't have a twin throttle yet. During takeoff i imagine once you got fast enough you could keep the airplane aligned with the center line using the rudder, but other than that, on the ground the rudder is useless!
  19. Wyatt


    Oops! Sorry, I overlooked your post on the C310!
  20. Thank you, I will add some more.
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