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Mutley Crew
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Everything posted by needles

  1. Beautiful captures. I've bought this aircraft so I will go and download some of JKs liveries.
  2. Glad you have finally found the culprit and sorted it out Phil. Enjoy using the filters, they do add that little extra detail to the sim.
  3. Hi JG, Strangely, I've not heard of Volanta but I use Plan-G exclusively to plan my flights. I will however have a look at this in more detail. Cheers
  4. Yet more proof that MS and Asobo have done a great job so far. Great pics Phil. Thanks for sharing them.
  5. You lucky bugger John. I'm glad you got it though.
  6. What's the little red wire protruding from the base Joe?
  7. needles


    Very nice JK, you've captured the light perfectly especially in the 2nd shot. I went to school with a girl called Gina. Thanks for sharing.
  8. I remember the days when a valve would blow in our TV.
  9. Nice one Arnie. Ill be glad when it's our turn.
  10. Can't wait for this one to be released. It looks great.
  11. Hi Max, I believe for the foreseeable future, aircraft can only be purchased through the 'Marketplace' within MSFS. This method has unfortunately caused a lot of problems for developers. So unless MS change their ideas of letting third parties sell their wares outside of the sim, the status quo remains.
  12. Looking forward to your shenanigans Andrew. Fancy having our very own Youtuber here on Mutley's.
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