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Mutley Crew
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Everything posted by needles

  1. Very nice aircraft and shots Jury. Cheers.
  2. Congratulations John on reaching Level 72. I don't call them birthdays anymore, they seem to come thick and fast, so I hope you enjoy your stint at a good level and look forward to reaching level 73 and beyond. I will have a couple or three beers to celebrate and maybe even a couple of decent drams to chase them down with. All the best John.
  3. Hey Remington, It's a little box in the car, we call it a satnav. Lol Apart from some shortish (compared with the USA and Canada) straight roads that the Romans built, no. Is the real answer.
  4. Stunning shots of the glacier Jury. Cheers
  5. Hi Thilo, Sorry to hear that. Also try http://www.mycockpit.org/forums/showthread.php?t=18332. They also have members who use SIOC. We did have a member that was an expert with SIOC but he hasn't visited here for a while now. Good luck with mycockpit.org. Sorry I can't help further. Brian
  6. needles

    Shack Rat

    Extremely nice work JK. Cheers
  7. Hi Thilo and welcome to Mutley's Hangar. I'm sure there will be some of our members that use SIOC but until they read your post, have you tried asking at Opencockpits.com? They have a forum specifically for SIOC. Good luck and I hope you get the answer you need. Brian
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