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Everything posted by Paul

  1. All credits to Jeppesen!
  2. For the last time this rally, starting our reliable Pratt & Whitney's. Crossing the railroad near Builth Wells, a waypoint on the map. In the far distance, the Severn bridges near Bristol. Crossing the Severn river. Popham airfield on the left. Following the railroad into Southampton. (IFRR) The mandatory touch & go at EGHI. Full circle! Finals at Shoreham. ..over the A27. The last meters before final stop. It's been a real pleasure! See you next MEBAR?
  3. CSoul: You've just described MEBAR 2012 !!
  4. DDA's Classic Airlines' "MEBAR 008" lining up at rwy 03 Ilse of Man. After take-off, we return over the field before setting for Ireland. Outbound IOM VOR, rumbling over the Irish Sea. Making landfall near Rush (NDB). On the left, a nice view of Dublin International. Ejoyable flight over the Irish countryside at 3000 ft. Lake Wicklow makes an easy landmark. After a stiff course correction , over a 'well camouflaged' Newcastle aerodrome. Approaching Llandbedr EGOD. Downwind and a green. (one lamp for two gears on this DC-3...)
  5. WOW !! This gives a whole new meaning of "Screenshots". "Screenplay" is a better word. Very well done and enjoyable to watch. Nice Scottish music too. Hats off! Paul
  6. Yes I know, too many!! Don't know what went wrong here. Pls disregard the other ones. Anyway, THIS is the intended post. The one with Nessie...
  7. (008 continued) ... and we're off for a slow climb. The first landmark, which I almost missed: Insch airfield. Not much chance of spotting Nessie in this visability ! ...although, what's that in the distance at 11 o'clock ??!! That piece of water must be Loch Naleitr.... still on track. Passing the Eilean Donan Castle near Dornie, completely restored in 1932 and open for the public. Must go there sometime! On downwind for Plockton, reducing speed and altitude. Any volunteers to offload my Dak? After take off, over Loch Crerannan, the narrow point. On the left,
  8. ... and we're off for a slow climb. The first landmark, which I almost missed: Insch airfield. Not much chance of spotting Nessie in this visability ! ...although, what's that in the distance at 11 o'clock ??!! That piece of water must be Loch Naleitr.... still on track. Passing the Eilean Donan Castle near Dornie, completely restored in 1932 and open for the public. Must go there sometime! On downwind for Plockton, reducing speed and altitude. Any volunteers to offload my Dak? After take off, over Loch Crerannan, the narrow point. On the left, Strachur village
  9. (continued) ... and we're off on a slow climb. The first landmark, which I almost missed: Insch airfield. Not much chance of spotting Nessie in this visability ! ...although, what's that in the distance at 11 o'clock ??!! That piece of water must be Loch Naleitr.... still on track. Passing the Eilean Donan Castle near Dornie, completely restored in 1932 and open for the public. Must go there sometime! On downwind for Plockton, reducing speed and altitude. Any volunteers to offload my Dak? After take off, over Loch Crerannan, the narrow point. On the left, Str
  10. My entry: a scene from 'DAKOTA' a Dutch movie from the late 70ties. This scene depicts an illegal drug drop over a small inhabited island near Curacao, Dutch Antilles. The movie was a flop in the Dutch theaters, but for DC-3 buffs (like me) it is a real classic. PH-MAG was an ex-Martinair Dakota and was sold to Scorpio Films just for the movie. After that is was sold again and finally ended up at Malta in the 80-ties. Nice detail: in the 90-ies, pieces of her were used as decoration in an "All American" Restaurant in Fleet, UK. Cockpit section inside, tail section outside in a pond, result
  11. Early morning departure from Fife in dreadfull weather. IMC conditions, but we are going VFR anyway... Crossing St. Andrews. Not much golfing going on this time of the day ! Inbound Aberdeen along the coast using the VFR approach procedures. Passing the Meldrum TV mast, which is 1300 ft. according my approach chart. Safely down at Aberdeen and taxieing in. After loading up to (a bit over) MTOW, starting up. Still that horrible rain! Well it's Scotland, I guess... Caught up in the morning rush hour. To be continued....
  12. Good luck with both your PC and leg 3 !
  13. No worries getting out of Fife in the 'STOL' Islander, I managed to 'catapult' the good Old Gooneybird out of there, although with overheated cylinders. you'll really like leg 3. Make sure you have a good map, don't fly too high and look out of the window often! Or file an IFR flight plan...
  14. Thanks. This is real fun. I have outdated VFR charts for the UK and using those in stead of FS Navigator or another nav program. Old fashioned perhaps, drawing lines with a pencil on a chart, but fun. And it still works! Only 'digital' is the NAV computer that calculates heading / wind-compensations, etc. Great rally sofar.
  15. Leg 2: Passing Marham en-route. Turning base at Barkston Heath. Over the fence at Barkston. ..and the mandatory fueling... Overhead the town of Sheffield. Burnold airfield... ... and Breighton down there. All former WWII airbases. Lot's of them around here! At 4000 feet and the Humber Bridge in the distance. Newcastle airport at one o'clock Crossing the Firth of Forth. Preparing for landing. After a go-around (came in to fast on this short runway...) a fine landing at Fife.
  16. Okay guys... I'm back on the Dak for this rally. Glad to be here ! Just finished leg 1 to Seething. Below some pics for you to enjoy: DDA Classic Airlines' PH-PBA was flown into Shoreham some days ago. Taxi-out as seen from the parking lot near rwy 21. 48" of MAP, 2700 RPMs and we're off for this rally! Passing Stansted on the left. A fine landmark. Lowestoft in sight.
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