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Now I know that many of us flying AH will be using other addons so it got me thinking . What add ons do you use to enhance your experiance. 


My list 


Flight Commander 9 

Vox ATC 6 



Ultimate X Canada.



as well as various payware and freeware aircraft.

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Ultimate Terrain


Traffic 360


TrackIR 5

Radar Contact

FS Commander

Airport Enhancer

Airport Wizard


DPS Airport GPS


HeliTraffic 2009

FSWidget's Electronic Charts Viewer

...probably some others I'm forgetting.

...and of course Allard's Airport Diagrams. Don't leave home without 'em.




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I sort of combined 2 parts of my life...one part was running freight around the Hawaiian Islands and the other loadding DC-3's running up and down the California coast many, many years ago. My add-ons are somewhat restricted because I'm running Prepar3d exclusively but I do have all the photoreal scenery I can find for the Hawaiian Islands. All my pilots fly DC-3's and, since I am the head honcho, I fly a Hawker 800XP I picked up from Just Flight. I do burn through a lot of brakes trying to get into small fields on the islands, especiaally since I have a tendency to fly heavy with minimum fuel. I did have TrafficX installed but removed it because there was some sort of conflict with overlapping runways and taxiways.


I'd like to find a good China Clipper eventually to start making runs across the pond but not sure about water runways yet.....plus I don't have the money. I'm in the stats page as Aloha Cargo. There is another outfit with the same name but I'm the one whos owner name is Captain Bobby


As more stuff comes out that has native Prepar3d installers, I'll do more add-ons.


John....thanks for the info on your airport diagrams. I appreciate your work.



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PlanG, REX, a couple of ORBX scenery's, a laptop & joystick. + freeware/payware aircraft and other misc stuff I never use. Oh yeah ...and of course Allard's Airport Diagrams.  



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