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Earth Simulations release Isle of Man by special invitation.

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From today, previous customers of Earth Simulations will be able to purchase and download their latest scenery Isle of Man.


Weighing in at a massive 11.4 Gb, this scenery must really be packing some detail.


The new address for Earth Simulations store is https://earthsimulations.org.uk/ES-Store/


Judging by the server load at the moment, this must be attracting a lot of attention.


Good luck to Darren & Vikki Vincent for the future of ES and to Darren's recovery after a serious stroke.

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Is there any link between OrbX's UK Roadmap announcement, subsequent to their decision to limit airport scenery development, and Darren and Vikki's completion of the Isle of Man? Perhaps they are unencumbered now by the termination of NDA's...

The ES promotional screenshots of IoM look fabulous and certainly deserve a closer look. Wonder who will be first to download at The Hangar?

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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Unfortunately the version on sale is not the one Ted Andrews and I made the models for.


The sale version has had our models reworked by ES resulting in the loss of textures.


Darren is aware of the missing textures and I'm sure will release them as a patch.


Due to file renaming on the modified files I can't supply my texture sheets as they wouldn't be recognised.


I can say that I have completed work on models for the area below Snaefell known as Bungalow. I have also made the Motor cycle museum, Sumit Cafe, old/new transmitter buildings and replacement masts. To use them requires modification of two of the release version files so presently they are restricted circulation. Basically if you have and know how to use Instant Scenery it is a one minute job. If you don't have it my files will just add to the default stuff already visible.


EDIT 16:36 30/06/13.   If you have Volume 8 - Scotland South installed then you should ensure that the Terrain folder for IOM is lower in the scenery library than the Terrain file for Volume 8. Failure to do so will give you a flat Mull of Galloway.









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Hi Tony,


Thanks very much for the update, especially the layer information.


I'll give you a call soon to clarify a couple of points if that's ok.



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I have been in touch with Darren and he has given his permission to include modifications to his files in any released package.


I'll look to do a simple zip with short install instructions later today or tomorrow, (at latest) and make it available from my own web site.





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If you haven't found my site, link here: http://www.arm-computers.co.uk/html/fsx_latest.html


Please don't ask for modification to make it look better at dawn or dusk because you won't get them.


If you hate using freeware because you consider it rubbish send a donation to one of the charities listed on my web site then you can think of it as payware.


Everyone else, enjoy!

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Thanks very much for your link Tony.

There's something for everyone there I feel.

Cheers and keep up the good work on our behalf.



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