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It's alive!

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Hey guys,

It seems that flight isn't as dead as we think. I've been following news that a few flight users have been digging around in flights innards and there are signs of new aircraft coming. It started as a project to see if fsx's default aircraft could be converted to fly in flight, but its growing to the point that a possible brand new aircraft, the republic seebee, is being made for flight. So microsoft's folly may end up doing something good after all, the return of a great community feel, working together to make something better. Great stuff.


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Do they know how many users are partaking in Flight at this time? Peter seems to enjoy the heck out of it and I liked his video flights as the ice flows were running. I wouldn't mind seeing that in FSX. :D New aircraft would be a real boost, that, I think is where Flight made it's biggest blunder. Not enough aircraft with VC to compensate for the other shortcomings.

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I'm happy people are finding ways to make MSF less useless and that some are finding things of value there.  For most of us, it just wasn't what we were looking for on several levels. 


MS was trying to cash in on the gamers and bubble-gummers and there's nothing inherently wrong with that, but it didn't happen for them.  Now MSF is a very minor footnote in the history of flight simulation AND video gaming, successful in neither.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, if someone accidentally tweaks the code for Flight and accidentally fixes all the problems with it, they'd be sitting on a goldmine, because Flight looked great and ran fairly well.

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