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Leg 90a - Sightseeing in Athens!

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As a fill-in before Mulletmans flight, and to kill the dead time Mutley asked over on the Control Centre thread for a sight-seeing trip... well, i couldn't sleep tonight (yet...but now im ready to :mrhappy:) so here it is... and yes, i even visited the Acropolis!

We take off from Athens' LGAV airport,. It became the new aviation gateway to all in March 2001 when the previous airport, LGAT, was closed.

the scenery around LGAV wasn't anything special, but you can just see things are starting to spice up as we head into Athens as we all should know it...


and i couldn't resist one of our trusty steed for this flight!


ooh, boats... Lets play!


after displeasing the locals somewhat by swooping the odd multi-million

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Nice little trip Simi and some great shots.

You really shouldn't be flying if you are that tired :mrhappy:

special cargo being held in an hangar complete with armed guards

..Well only Sharon but that is enough!



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Way to go, Simon - thanks for the post! Last time Pam and I were in Athens was 1972 (Sch-yeah!) and we 'did' the Acropolis ect. Travelled by train through the old Yogoslavia - border guards with sub-machine guns, compartment full of chickens in boxes, ect. Wonderful!

Thanks for shakin' out the memories, Simon - and some good screen-shots too plus commentary - magic.

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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