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I'm wanting to get a new GA aircraft for my AH company. Currently I use the Carenado C182RG and the main bases are at Diamond Point and Fall City, with a smaller one down at Siletz Bay (don't use that one as much).


Could someone post the purchase prices for the Carenado and/or Milviz GA aircraft that are in your hangar so that I can work out which one to buy (physically) so that I can use it in AH. My preference is for something with a larger payload and faster cruise speed than the C182, but still able to operate from Diamond Point and Fall City



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Lately (for the last ~200 hours) i use only the Baron 58, and i'm landing anywhere :).


$433.384 - purchase

$  54.123 - lease deposit

$  24.076 - monthly lease

Cargo cap - 914 lbs. (with fuel for 250 nm, you can carry about 1200)


Its a cool plane.

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I bought the Carenado Piper Arrow PA-28. Very fun plane for beginning AH companies. It has retracts, delicate flaps (they break at 110 kts...good for implanting good "putting up the flaps" and "slow before putting em down" habits ;)  ) holds 591 lbs for AI use.


Purchase 192,994. Lease 24,124/10,721



fyi, you can sell your first c172 and buy this outright, and only be a couple -10s of thousands in the hole, which can be made back in a few flights done right.


Or run a few jobs in the c-172 and then buy the PA outright.


^looks like you are ready to buy already.



edit yet again: however Im not familiar with the c182...the PA might be a step back...not sure.

(cruise speed: 138 kts)




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