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help needed on saitek yoke system and quadrant

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I met patrico yesterday to collect the rudder pedals that he kindly offrered to the site, super guy!! top man, with a really nice rig , I am very jealous and will now have to crawl to swmbo for weeks to ease the purse strings :)


However Patrick has a problem he had the X52 system fitted to the simwhich I understood had worked perfectly however he has recently purchased the yoke system and try as I could yesterday i could not get it to calibrate. I could get the column to centralise but when it said push any button to progress to the next page of calibration it didnt sens any button being pressed and there are quite a few !! also the top hat didnt work correctly nor did the throttle assem.

Has anyone got one of these on their rig that could help out? I suggested dleteing the installation and reinstalling it again , his rig looks virtually new  but and the big But is the OS is win 8 !!

Now there are not many who are fans of win 8 could this be the problem  as saitek dont respond to emails


any thoughts would be appreciated



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...as saitek dont respond to emails...



Anyone who is considering a purchase of Saitek hardware might give that statement some serious consideration before plunking down the cash.



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Go to Saitek site:  http://www.saitek.com/index.html#  under Downloads select software.


Click Choose your product range. Select Pro Flight.


Select product: Pro Flight yoke


Select operating system (Windows)


Click:Download Drivers.




Saitek drivers are a pain in the Butt, so as long as you install the latest all should be good.


To get mine working alright, I have to at times re-install the drivers.


Hope this helps..


PS Do not use the disk that comes with the hardware.. (Use it as a Frizbee)

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Just as James suggests, I visit the Saitek site regularly and download the latest drivers.

Having said that, I don't ever recall experiencing what Patrick has.

But then I'm running win 7 64bit. Win 8 could very well be the problem, but I suspect that once Patrick installs the latest drivers, all should be well.

Keep us informed of your progress please, Patrick.

All the best.


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Thanks guys, i dont think he is online today but i am sure he will see this link tomorrow I felt like a nooby first releiving him of the rudder pedals then not being able to configure his column

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This is only useful if Patrick doesn't like Win8.


I seem to remember someone posting a way to get MS to allow you to revert to win7 from win8 for free. I couldn't find the post though. Anyone remember it?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys,

Did you get that Saitek yoke calibrated and set up properly in the end Patrico?

Just wondered if lack of button recognition might have something to do with assignments to the earlier x52? ... or the USB port?

I had similar probs re-calibrating one of 2 Saitek throttle quads until I realised that the one I needed was connected via the USB hub on the yoke base - had to find it via the yoke.

Best of luck.

Dave H

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Hi guys,


Sorry I only found this thread a few minutes ago. After doing extensive research, on Saitek and W8 I found out that the problem is W8 with SAITEK. So I am waiting for the release of W8.1 and their are hundreds of people all over the Globe with the same problem.

I enclose some information given to me by a friend in Korea. It works somewhat for me, but my problem is more serious, so I will await the release of W8.1.FYI guys my joystick is an X52, and not X52 Pro


"All fixed, with little thanks to Saitek. But it worked. FIrst, I had to disconnect the Saitek

 X52 (not X52 Pro). Uninstall any SST software you may have installed. Then, I



had to go to the Hardware setting in Control Panel and delete the two entries. I then had to go to

http://saitek.com/uk/down/drivers.php and download the drivers, and install them. Do NOT click on "Choose your product range" button, click on the "Choose your product type."

Then click on "Joysticks" and under "Select product" choose "X52", then (in my case) under "Select operating system", I chose "Windows 7/8 and Vista 64-bit".

NOW - choose to download the drivers and install them - remember that you disconnected your X52 - and plug it in when prompted. Then download the software, and install it. If you did it all right, everything should work.


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Hi Patrico,


It not that intuitive.  I will look for a guide that I had when I set it up and see if I can send it to you.  Do persevere with it as it is a fine piece of software when it is set up.

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