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How meeting a goose can spoil your day!

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Meeting a goose at 11,000 ft. doing 185 knots can ruin your whole day.

The pilot was injured but was able to land the aircraft (Beech Baron) safely.
Imagine the outcome had the goose hit on the pilots side.










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That makes more sense.  I didn't think a bird carcass could maintain enough integrity to plow a furrow like that all the way along the length of the cabin.  That's not to make light of bird strikes - ask Sully. 


Back in the early eighties the flying club I belonged to in Michigan had a Grumman Tiger (and a couple other AC) and a member and his wife flew it to Florida.  While here they had a mid-air with a buzzard, impacting the wing leading edge about three feet outboard of the root.  They were lucky to get down alive. I saw photos of the damage and it was a real attention-getter.  The plane remained in Florida for months before repairs could be made.



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Thought it looked a bit off . :huh: I saw a Myth Busters show once where they tried to reenact bird strikes to small aircraft and they had trouble doing it. The birds kept blowing apart until they used a frozen one at high speed. If a goose was able to that kind of damage I would be afraid to fly. :D

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