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something for free

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Hi Patrick,


It may be something to do with London, as not many members are living in the Capitol, it could mean a long and maybe expensive journey for some.


I know your heart is in the right place, it's just the location of the yoke maybe is not..  :thum:

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Your like Santa Claus Patrick, maybe everyone has been naughty......


I am surprised no one has taken you up on your offer. At a 100 plus for the gear and the chance to meet such a generous and nice guy, I would think it would be worth a trip. Is traffic really that bad in London?



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If I could fly one of my FS birds over there, i'd be there by now :)

That is a very generous offer...give it a bit and a couple more bumps up in the forum. Someone will bonk themselves on the head soon and say "umm...ya, duh...I want that and by god I'm far closer than that guy in California". :)


Cheers SAInTek Claus.

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