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My first attempt at photoscenery

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Just a quick blast nothing more than 30mins on this Isle of Man scenery - the water mask is not done so please excuse the white :) Don't think I am going to keep it but it was a bit of fun while it lasted ;)








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I would just like to add the quality was not 100% because i did not choose the highest zoom level - I prep'd another section last night (this morning) and gave it a water mask too - it's reached 1am though and I had to get up at 6am for work so thought it be best if I went to bed. The compile was going to take me 30mins so could not take it to 1:30 - 2am :)


When I compile and try it I will post a screen. 


This is not something I plan in going into I had just heard about the tools and thought I would give it a whirl - I will leave the scenery makers to the professionals hehe



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Yeah I mean when you get down and dirty like this - you can really appreciate the skill and effort required to produce first class scenery. It is always hard with photoscenery because the image in the sim is only as good as the source image. Then you have the whole effort of moving airports and re-aligning the autogen to fit the scenery. 

Don't get me going on about placement of trees!!! 


All in all - I would recommend people try this stuff out for themselves just so you know what you are paying for. I have been doubting the £35 price tag on ES Isle of Man scenery; but when it comes down to it the effort and skill required makes it worth the money all the way!


It's christmas though so I may have to give the Isle of Man scenery a miss for now :( We will see




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Well I bought Isle of Man LOL - Screens will be coming soon when I downloaded the 12GB worth of data ;)


I use SBuilderX for the photoscenery - then I create my own water masks using photoshop (not used in screens above)

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You can also use FS EarthTiles to produce great photoscenery..including using KML files created in Google earth. FSET can do blend masks and water masks all in one with a little tweaking..have you ever tried it? :P. I've found that I get a higher res image using FSET as well, or maybe that's just my impression?!

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I have never tried anything before Kevin - just trying this SBuilderX for now - maybe I will try the stuff you mention later on down the line :)


Thanks for letting me know about other tools though always useful




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The blog hasn't necessarily ended, but I stopped playing around with Jersey because earth simulations have it in development and any version I came out with wouldn't be as good as theirs. Then I lost my job, became a father, found a new job and things kind of spiralled all out of control in such a way that I'm only just beginning to feel back in command of my own life a bit now! :)

If there's some aspect of scenery design that hangar members wanted me to try to explain I'd be happy to consider reviving the blog :) it never seemed to get much traffic though apart from one time when Dom Mason mentioned it on ADX and it had about 10000 visitors in one day- then promptly went back to one or two the next :P


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Your home made scenery looks OK from here.


First go at making photo real scenery can be a real pain in the bum, that's the polite version.


Over a few years now I started with Maps2Bgl, then onto SBuilderX and recently discovered FS Earth Tiles.


This has made the job so, so much easier. I don't bother with bled masks as I prefer the more natural look of the sea and waterways from the satellite imagery anyway.


Having used them all FSET is number one in my book and I do agree it produces a far sharper image than the other programmes.


So to all of those thinking of having a go look at FSET and give it a whirl.


Happy flying............Kindest Regards, Michael.

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