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Just Flight Announce Revolution X

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Do you have Just Flight VFR Real Scenery, Playsims (Horizon) VFR Photographic Scenery or use TileProxy equivalent (FS Earth Tiles / Map2bgl) but miss seeing 3D features like houses, buildings, churches, woods, hedgerows and custom night lighting? Revolution-X is the answer!

Revolution-X uses ground-breaking new technological processes to inject a comprehensive Autogen layer into FSX, placing millions of houses, buildings, churches, trees and hedgerows in their real-world locations across England, Scotland and Wales. So, for the first time in FSX, every village, town and city is fully formed with its real-life streets and estates, and woods and hedgerows tracing the edges of real-life fields and the contours of the land.

Revolution-X also includes its own 3D Night Lighting system, developed from scratch using a revolutionary new design technique for optimised performance which provides breathtaking illumination effects across the whole terrain.
For the first time, sequenced traffic lights change from red to amber to green at junctions and roundabouts, and millions of 3D light objects appear, not only along major roads but also mapped to individual houses and buildings, wherever they may be. On the horizon, cities, towns, and villages sparkle into view with hundreds of lamps and streetlights.

Along the coast, and deep in the countryside, the outdoor lamps of isolated farm houses and hilltop cottages twinkle through the trees as you pass overhead, all rendered in a variety of shades to reproduce the many different types of fluorescent and electric lights in the real world.

The result is a complete and realistic recreation of England, Scotland and Wales at any time of day or night, and at any altitude from ground level up.

More here and screenshots too.

OK, just one of Southampton EGHI!

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I notice they have pre empted the destruction of the ford factory by placeing another factory on top of it.

In a nutshell this is the same as france vfr are have been doing for some months now, and I see it as a logical progression,  it is also the same as ftx are doing in their own scenery but in a more complex way.

There are swings and roundabouts to this because most of the generated buildings look nothing like . what is actually there, so it is in a way reducing the accuracy of photoscenery and taking it toward the ftx imaginary world.

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I notice they have pre empted the destruction of the ford factory by placing another factory on top of it.....


....and quite spectacularly destroyed the illusion of realism in the process. I absolutely detest bad alignment of anything in a flight simulator, and that example is just plain silly.

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I notice they have pre empted the destruction of the ford factory by placing another factory on top of it.....


....and quite spectacularly destroyed the illusion of realism in the process. I absolutely detest bad alignment of anything in a flight simulator, and that example is just plain silly.




If you look at the screen shots in JF, there is a Cathedral in someone's back garden.. :D  :D :D  :D  :D  

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It sounded like a great idea when I heard of it a few months ago. I emailed the developers and they didn't get back to me. This might be worth holding off on, as like other commenters I am a bit disappointed by the seemingly poor building alignment in the shot above, and it looks like there are quite a few close up areas where built up places on the photoscenery aren't represented by autogen :( I'm also a little bit sceptical about this 'revolutionary new design technique', so I'd like to interview this developer to get a feel for what exactly is going on under the hood here.... K

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Do you know I have been mulling this over a bit - I really do not like this at all - it's confirmed! Not that anyone cares but I liked the two different types/methods of scenery; photoscenery without or with few but accurately places autogen, then orbx style with no photoscenery but great placed objects and ground textures. 


This kind of mixes the two styles and unfortunately contradicts what I see as photoscenery and orbx style - so its a mish mash of both. 


I like coffee and I like tea but I wouldn't mix them together!


Maybe this is the start of something brilliant and they will release addon placement files for the more specific autogen e.g. Ford factory - I doubt this but who knows

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I'm interested in seeing more of this, I dont think the screenshots give a good enough impression to make a solid judgement yet, but I am always sceptical of 'new technology' claims. This could be a great new step forwards for the UK, or it could be a damp squib...we'll see!?!

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I know i come down hard on JF at times , but this sadly so exemplifies , the majority of what they sell , autogen cant be left to a computer to decide where it is put, it has to be done sympathetically or else it is counter productive

As David Jacobs used to ask " is it a hit or a miss" this I think is a miss

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