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I'm still playing with my Christmas present (Orbx Vector) and having fun. Here's a shot of this afternoon's departure from EGLF with FTXG, Vector, and ASN:




Having climbed a bit it became too cloudy to see the ground, so I had to switch ASN off in order to be able to appreciate the coastline east of Southampton (DVR4 departure from EGLF):




And here I am a couple of minutes later:




(The shots are using DX10, with LOD_RADIUS 7.5, though you don't really get the benefit here, since I've reduced them to 1200 px wide).   ^_^






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Thanks, guys!   :)


I'm very happy with it. (Don't tell James, but for an airliner bloke like me I reckon FTXG+Vector (+Open_LC when it comes) is a far better bet than photorealistic scenery).   :whis:






:D  :D  You can't play me up no more, as I have just built a new second machine.  So its all photo on the one and all FTX on the other..  :P   :D





So there.. :D :D

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For your info, I built a new second rig using the i5 4670K (Haswell) o/c to 4Ghz, MSI Z87-G45 gameboard and just 4Mb Ram, win7/Ult.  I re-used my ATI 6970 and all is running as good as my other listed on the left..  :thum:


I don't know if it just my machines, but photo and FTX don't seem to like each other if on the same machine. Since I dedicated each to a scenery batch there has been no conflict in FSX on each. The result; fingies crossed is smooth FSX on both..

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> "...just 4Mb Ram..."


<gulp> Does it boot?   :yikes:


Seriously, though, it sounds as though you have all the bases covered, my friend.  :D   TBH, I'm a little surprised that you can get by with even 4Gb, but seemingly it's working for you.


However, I can well believe that photo and Orbx don't play well together, though. The deeper I get sucked into the Orbx way of doing things the more conscious I become of a certain element of lock-in. Basically, I'm never sure any more just where the textures that I see onscreen are coming from, especially when I'm using add-on airports from other developers. But hey.....


Many congratulations on both your systems!   :thum:   The screenshots in your previous post look most impressive. (PNW??).


All the best,




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