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Prepar3D v2.1 Cleared for Landing!

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Today announces the release of the next evolution of Prepar3D v2 with Prepar3D v2.1. Updates to Prepar3D v2 are available in both a patch to an existing v2 installation, or as a new installer from your Purchased Downloads page. If you are a current Prepar3D v2 user, there is no charge to upgrade.


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Looking at the list of enhancements and fixes (which L-M credits users with reporting), most of that just has to have come from flight sim hobbyists, not so much from commercial customers. For example, there are a number of references to fixes for Orbx products.

It would be interesting to see the ratio of Academic licenses sold vs. the other types that are sold to developers and commercial users - not that that data will ever see the light of day. I'd be very surprised if the number of Academic licenses does not dwarf the rest.

This is another nail in the FSX coffin, though there's plenty of life left in that one too. In a word, P3D is being actively developed and improved; FSX is not, except through add-ons, most of which work in P3D as well. Can you spell NGFS?


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  • Fixed an issue where rain and snow effects did not render across entire widescreen or multiple views


Perfect!  Been waiting for that for my tripleheaded setup :)  Cool!


Must be your birthday Duncan....


Whoops so it is! t3301.gif


Congratulations and give us a look at those Google specs!

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Temptation, temptation. Resist, resist.

I know I'm going to have to convert one day.

I will, once they tell us, all FSX add-ons are compatible.

Then it would be a no-brainer.

Thanks for the HU Joe. :thum:

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Shame the BGL_LIGHTS legacy compatibility problem wasn't rolled into the update though...that's hurting a lot of sceneries...

Do you know if it's been reported to L-M?


Pretty sure it has been (certainly has been discussed on FSDeveloper) but I have posted on the LM forum about it as well asking for clarification. Cheers K

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