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Back in AH and the Fines Abound!

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Howdy folks! I'm back! Where have I been (and you're probably thinking "Who the heck is this guy, anyway!") you might ask? Flying RC planes, teaching kids and adults alike to fly, and generally being busy raising kids. Now that they are grown and I have other instructors to help me, I can get back into one of my favorite passtimes: FSX and AH!


So, I figured I'd go back to flying my old hauling company, but it seems it's missing. I backed it up when I had to reinstall my system and change HDD to SSD, but the backup is missing. The only backup I could find was a much, much older version, back when I still had nothing but a C172 and a brand new Mooney Bravo. No employees yet, and 54% reputation. Ok, that's better than nothing, I figured, so I went ahead and picked that one and got my reputation up to 55% so I could hire another pilot to start hauling for me in the 172 while I piloted the Bravo. Good plan, I thought. And it was, until AH got wise on me and my absence.


I am now being punished by AH for being gone so long.


How so? Well, now every time I start the game, I am charged $9,700 for rent on my base, backdating to 2011. Fortunately for me, it only charges for one month every time I start, but I still owe 25 months (I've restarted about 11 times already and was charged the $9,700 each time). Sure, I could start a new company over again, but what's the fun in that? I started career mode and already worked up quite a ways to get the Bravo, so I'm digging myself out of the hole and I figure by the end of this weekend, I should be in the clear.


Am I nuts? Certainly. But it's kind of fun. It's an added challenge, and I feel like I'm really paying back the money I was "given" to start the company.


As for how we're doing after being back for a week? Well, the debt is down to ($42,000) as of this writing, and while I am still "down" around $24k, I am going to make sure we don't close or restart the app until we're in the positive each time. Since I hired a second pilot to fly for me while I'm at work (in the real world), they keep making money for me to pay off my fine. 


I sure do wish I had my old MDB file. I miss all the B1900C's I had, and the $2.4M in the bank would have made the fines a trivial matter. Oh well. 

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Welcome back :). And AH will do that to you...no debt will remain unpaid :D . I would better start of a new company. And if you miss those 1900-s so bad...did you had a look at the Carenado's new 1900? It might worth the investment. Either way - good luck and keep the blue up :) .

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Welcome back, E.J. It's good to see you again.

Yeah, the landlords in AH are very patient but they will get you for one month's worth at each new log in until they get you caught up. No interest or penalties, however, so it could be worse.


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Welcome back :). And AH will do that to you...no debt will remain unpaid :D . I would better start of a new company. And if you miss those 1900-s so bad...did you had a look at the Carenado's new 1900? It might worth the investment. Either way - good luck and keep the blue up :) .


Holy cow! I just realized you're in Hungary!


Én is magyar vagyok!

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Hiring pilots and leasing planes has put us far ahead of the rent expenditures, and after flying a fleet of six leased C185F's, we were able to lease our first DC-3. The amounts we can make with the DC-3 will allow us to be into an Airbus A321 by the end of the week (if not a few of them). Once we have three A321's, we will give back the DC-3's and C185F's and begin our full operations with them.


It's funny; it seems it took me forever to get out of the 172 and the Mooney, and as soon as I hired a few pilots to fly when I was at work or resting, the money just seemed to flow in. Leasing planes has been the biggest boost, allowing me to save money while keeping the planes flying nearly 24 hours a day. I am looking forward to the A321's. The largest my previous AH company got up to was five B1900C's that we owned outright. Getting planes by owning them took a lot longer than leasing, and now I understand why most airlines do this today.



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Leasing is def the way to go. It is actually "renting to own" as the lease will eventually Buy the aircraft...it just spreads your purchase out over 18? Months. (I haven't been playing 18 months, and I usually sell back and upgrade within 3 months).

I love and distrust my AI crews. They make lots of money, and break my planes...again, thanks Mr Lease agent for buying them back with all the patch work. :)

Grats on getting your fleet back above water!

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I love and distrust my AI crews. They make lots of money, and break my planes...again, thanks Mr Lease agent for buying them back with all the patch work. :)

Grats on getting your fleet back above water!




I love and distrust my pilots, too. I've had them bang up almost every single plane I've had in the fleet, some for quite a bit of damage. I can just imagine them out there flying drunk or maybe just too tired. I don't know. 100% pilots shouldn't be pranging planes so often (and so badly)! lol


We're up to 2 DC-3's now. I stopped flying the C185F's after we got the second DC-3 since it was so much work for so little return on the effort put into the planning and coordination. lol. I will be leasing a third DC-3 within the next few hours and will likely let the fleet get to 5 before we start leasing the A321's. 


I need to log some hours, though. I'm only rated fATPL and I can't stand the thought of flying DC-3's when the rest of my folks are flying A321's! lol

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Are you watching over my shoulder? lol


Right now, I'm more dispatcher than pilot only because of time at work. Once I have time this weekend, I will be flying the requisite flights to be able to fly the A321's. We won't progress as a company until I can fly them. To that end, I've limited our fleet to 3 DC-3's right now. I may buy a second base and another DC-3 or two, but I have a self-imposed cap of 6 pilots (5 AI + me). That should allow me to make the money and get into the A321's in short order. For now, though, I VPN into my home computer to make sure the planes are earning money at all times! lol

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I can't wait. I'm enjoying AH very, very much at the moment. The only issue I'm having now (which is NOT related to AH in ANY way, btw) is having to edit the aircraft.cfg file for a very nice DC-3/C-47 to make it match the weight capabilities of the stock DC-3. I love the visual model and cockpit of this new version, but I can't go to a DC-3 that only carries 3500k lbs. That seems entirely unrealistic to me.

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Modifying the .cfg file that way is common.

Removing weight for unneeded seats is one way to get up to realistic cargo size.

Also, reducing fuel to some %less than stock is a way to get the AI pilots around their habit of filling the tanks every flight and gimping your cargo space.

The stock DC-3 also lists it's Cruise speed as 95knots...totaly NOT realistic, and gimps your AI's ability to hustle cargo around...check the listed Cruise speeds.

I purchased a DC-3 that also had it's Cruise listed at 95...need to fix that if your's is similar.

The section is:

[Reference Speeds]
flaps_up_stall_speed    = 67.5                  //Knots True (KTAS)
full_flaps_stall_speed  = 61.5                  //Knots True (KTAS)
cruise_speed            = 95.0                  //Knots True (KTAS)
max_indicated_speed     = 224                   //Red line (KIAS)


150-160 knots is what the plane actually flies at for me at near max cruise settings...man is the stock DC-3 way off on that number!


Love the DC-3.

Happy hauling.

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