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A few weeks ago Brett posted a nice little real world video of an exciting landing at Wilson Bar (ID76)


After seeing that video I decided to try and replicate it in FSX, and posting a video of my own..


After two attempts I still have no footage I'm prepared to share with the world  :whis:


The first attempt, in a C172 did not end well at all.. I overshot the runway (to be honest I think I had already passed the runway when I touched down... 


Today I made my second attempt, this time using an AN-2 Colt, and I actually made the landing... although in real life I would also have lost my wings due to impact with trees a good two miles away from the runway... 


However, judging by the image below I might have blown the engine. At least while hurriedly cutting the fuel, turning off all electronics and evacuating the plane the flames appear to have been subdued somehow...




I hope I can one day post a video of a successful version of the flight too  :D

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Keep trying, keep trying. You could post some videos of your unsuccessful attempts as well. :D

Nope.. no way... all evidence of those flights, excluding the screenshot above, have been wiped from my hard drive in the interest of preserving my reputation as a some-what competent sim-pilot  :pilotic:


Need some tips. ;)  :D

Thanks Brett.. that might be helpful.. although it looks very different in FSX.. the runway is covered by a road running on top of it to start with... and I doubt those "water falls" are visible.. I will however see if I can spot them on my next try...


And my next try will not be in the AN-2...  While it's ability to stay air born at incredibly low speeds (I made yesterdays approach with a ground speed of around 45 knots, with a slight tailwind) makes the approach much easier that large piece of Russian engineering that passes for an engine blocks your sight way to much.. 

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I watched that video and tried the landing too...with no chance to touch down. i need to memorize better the river turnings, i think. Not much of visual aids, there are just trees and all look alike.

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I was intrigued by your post on this airstrip, so loaded up my trusty Super Cub (Tundra) and went for it using the stock FSX scenery. Like you, I overflew it the first time in - it's almost impossible to spot from low altitude. The second attempt was much more satisfying, resulting in a stress-free landing in half the runway. Easy to do in an aircraft that will drag in at forty knots with barn door flaps and 160Hp on tap. 


So I loaded up the Beaver and went for it with that aircraft. Again, once you know where it is, it is easy to land and there's lots of room in the stock FSX scenery.


However - 


I read the write-up on the airstrip in SkyVector and it sounds much more difficult in RW. Here's the description:


Dimensions: 1500 x 50 feet / 457 x 15 meters Surface: Turf-Dirt in Fair Condition   Runway 06 Runway 24 Obstacles: 10 ft Brush 0 ft from runway, 60 ft left of center 70 ft Trees 5 ft from runway, 70 ft right of center




Sounds like lots of fun - the Beaver has a 48ft wingspan so there won't be any room for error if the scenery is accurate to the RW.


As you can see from the following screenshots, there are no trees in the way -





Next - I need to load ORBX PNW and see how it goes with that scenery.


I downloaded FRAPS and took a short (limited to 30 seconds until you decide to pay for the software) film of the first landing with the Super Cub. I'm not sure where to host it, though. My SmugMug site will accept videos, but the upload was into about three minutes and only uploaded about 5% so I gave that up as a bad idea. Anyone have any suggestions for uploading videos?


I'll post more screenshots after loading ORBX. I'm on a new computer, so have to load all of my FSX stuff and haven't gotten around to scenery yet.


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I'm a little confused here. To me it looks like during the video the plane landed on runway six, is that correct? It even looked like March landed on rwy6. Everything I have read says to land on rwy24 but that approach looks more closed off on all the videos I have looked at since.

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If you look carefully at the photo of the cockpit, the heading is close to 180 deg (S). Sorry it's not a better shot. I still need to turn about 60 degrees to the right to line up with the runway so that would make the final heading approx 240 which is RWY 24. Believe me I wasn't scanning the DG. It was: AS, ALT, AS, ALT, AS.......BRAKES. The nice thing about flying a Beaver around at low speeds with full flaps is that you need a lot of power. Same with the Super Cub. You get a pretty immediate reaction when you chop the throttle - not much glide.


Too bad, I loaded the ORBX stuff I have; PNW and PFJ. Neither one includes this part of Idaho. I'm going to have to make an investment If I want to see better scenery. That's not likely to happen because I rarely fly into that state (nothing but potatoes). I would have liked to try the approach in RW conditions. I'd use the Cub, though. There's precious little room for the Beaver.

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Who would have thought one screenshot would spur so much activity :)

I've been using the ORBX scenery for both my attempts. If I remember correctly it's central Rockies that cover this region..

So plenty of trees that block your line of sight, and as mentioned earlier a road covering the runway.

It's much harder to spot than in your default shots John, and there aren't much to use for reference along the way either...

The strip is located north of the river, so the video uses runway 24 with out doubt...

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