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In the trenches

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I have been checking out the touch and go's for the final leg in the ATWC 5.


All are good on my setup except for EGSG the airfield in part in a trench and the runway is totally underground


I have no airport scenery except that which comes with the ORBX global/vectors and England and FS global




Can any one help before Saturday when I will have to land here?



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Looks like you need to Disable the airport using the FTX Global Vectors Configuration tool, that came with the download. You can run it automatically or choose one airport at a time. 

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Since you're running FTX England disabling the airport in the Vector Config shouldn't work (I think. I distinctly remember reading that any area where you have a full region are "untouched" by all Global functions, including vectors...)

What region do you have active in FTX Central?
If you are running Global with Hybrid mode try switching over to the EU region and vice versa.

If I have the time I'll see what it looks like on my machine later tonight...

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OK. The results of my tests.


1. EGSG with EU region active : No Trenches

2. EGSG with Global region in hybrid mode: No Trenches

3. EGSG with Global region without hybrid mode: No Trenches

All of the above with EGSG disabled in Vectors AEC.


Hmm, maybe Brett was right after all...


4. EGSG with Global region, without hybrid mode and Vector AEC enabled: No Trenches

5. EGSG with Global region in hybrid mode and Vector AEC enabled: Loads of strange things, and trenches...

6. EGSG with EU region active: Same as 5....


Ok Brett, sorry you were correct... I'll just go sit quietly in a corner now   :D

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No need to disable the whole vector package John.

Assuming you're running the latest patch for Vectors start the configuration tool and just deactivate ESGS in the Airport Elevation Correction tab.

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