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Vulcan @ Farnborough really BIG shots! 1680 * 1050

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Here are some more shots of XH558 around Farnborough.

These are unedited and is what I see on my screen.

If you would like a smaller version then just shout!

Enjoy, she make a beautiful roar!
















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Nice shots Joe and i think you have stretched my monitor :clap:


Sorry Steve! I didn't realise until after I had uploaded that they were full size so I amended the title so people would know.

Actually they will help me with some forum development, you remember when we moved over to V3 of the forum software that we had problem with picture size sizing?

The forum seemed to cope with these and did not crop them.

Anyhew, back to normal size after these.


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I doubt the Red Arrows will shift to the Typhoon anytime soon. Military flight demo teams rarely use the top-line AC unless it happens to be a type that is produced in very high volume, e.g. the F-16 and the FA-18, and before that the F-4. I don't expect that the Typhoon will be produced in large enough numbers that six or more can be sacrificed to a demo team. They are more likely to use older, lower performance types with good low-speed characteristics and lower maintenance costs.

The more expensive, more sophisticated, larger types are usually shown off at the airshows in ones and twos by active squadron pilots. I've seen single aircraft flight demos of the F-15 and the F-14 that put on a more dramatic show than the Thunderbirds or the Blue Angels. The demo teams are a showcase of grace and precision - the one ship flight demos are more about speed and noise.

A year and a half ago I watched a one man demo of an F-15 at NAS Jacksonville. We were near the far end of the flight line and he did a quite low, high speed pass up the runway coming toward our end. Nearing the end he cut to his right, directly over us, then selected burners and pulled straight up. I could FEEL the noise through my feet on the concrete ramp. You'll never get anything like that from the multi-ship demo teams.

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That must have sounded great John, the B2 did it for me last year at RIAT :clap:

BTW the Typhoon is obviously a fantasy repaint, I think the Hawk has got a long way to go yet.


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