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Goodwood Revival,....from the cheap seats!

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This weekend has seen the hugely successfull Goodwood Revial meeting take place. Tickets for the show sell out as soon as they go on sale and they are fearsomely expensive. As well as the classic cars and ground based events there are also several air displays. A lot of us locals all pile up to the nearby ancient hillfort known as The Trundle where we can look down on the event and see some of the action. We went up witha picnic, a pair of binoculars and a camera. the place was packed but I managed to get a few pics. Including some great views of the two Lancasters. Marie watched the Lancs but that was about it, she mainly stuck her nose in her E-Reader! Anyway , here's what I got. Not my greatest photos by any means but then I was around 2 miles from the airfield. In a couple of the pics you'll see some of the classic cars being put through their paces. There is an Austin A35 in one shot and in the other an Austin A40 just dissappearing behind a screen and ahead of it a couple of MkII Jaguars. They are all at the St Marys corner of the Goodwood Circuit. Another view is looking out across Chichester Harbour towards the Isle of Wight. the weather was a bit hazy at first hence the somewhat softer images...


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Am actually right peed off with photobucket. I went through thier editing process to clean the pics up and make them clearer. each one took a while and I made sure i clicked on "replace original". Yet for some reason it has loaded all the original unedited photos. ( or at least it appears that way to me.) not happy. :(

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I am on Photobucket, or was ('If it ain't broke don't fix it' is is my advice to that organisation).


Love your pictures.


If I need to upload a picture to this site, will have to find an alterative pic sharing site, Photobucket appears to be useless, unless I'm missing something.




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a group of friends of mine expressed interest incoming over this year so I contacted the office 3 weeks ago they said it was all sold out , the only tickets left cost £680 each !!!!!

I asked the woman if that included an air fare from tristan da cunha, she just laughed.

So am currently planning for the TT next June and Goodwood next spetember

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That event is not for the likes of us mate, only the well heeled and well connected appear to get in. They sell out as soon as they are announced. A lot of them are snapped up as corporate events so that bigwigs can impress their clients. It is the place to see and be seen. Once its all cleared up I can get back to the clubhouse for a snifter! :D

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