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British Airways takes beef off the menu

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How pathetic!

There are other items on the menu the anti-beefers could eat.

Everyone is frightened of upsetting everyone these days.

We are paying the price for this positive discrimination world we live in. Positively discriminate and you give a sector of society an ample opportunity to use it as a tool for their own ends.

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Funny, I don't see any Indian airlines putting beef ON the menu to cater for ex-pat Britons...

Come on, as anti-racist as I am when you come to live in a country you are saying that you are happy with its culture and way of life. There is no need to change something as trivial as an airline menu (and it IS a national staple) when the only people it is likely to offend are so extremist they shouldn't be in the country in the first place.


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I think this is a world-wide "issue" Yesterday I found the near exact thing on an Australian forum where the one major city cancelled the Christmas lights in order not to offend non-Christians.

I am not religious myself but I am having MY human rights taken away, my right to eat beef,pork etc on aircraft :wink:

Still let's cheer up. Portsmouth won the FA cup and summer is nearly here!


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I am sick and tired of this bluddy saga, if they don't like our customs or our country they can get out!

Why don't they let us have churches in their countries eh?

I've had it upto here with all this! :shock:

Regards, Theo.

Agreed. :thum:

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