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Canarsie approach using PSX (and FSX for scenery)

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Although I seldom vly in the USA, just for fun I decided to give the Parkway Visual ("Canarsie") approach into New York rwy 13L a try. As you probably know, its distinguishing feature is a last-minute right turn onto the runway in a way reminiscent of the old IGS approach at Kai Tak (although instead of a checkerboard there's a racetrack), however it doesn't have quite the same Hong Kong "over the washing lines" feel. Just the same, it definitely helps if you study the approach plate and know the local landmarks that you will be referencing on the way in.   8-)


The object of the exercise was to see how well I could hand-fly a non-trivial approach with PSX, and I was happy to find that she handles like a dream.   :-)    I used FSX for the external visuals even though it drags PSX's performance down a bit, and also took a few snaps as I went along.


The brief trip from KBOS was straightforward, and I arrived in the New York area on a track of 271°, skirting the lower edge of Long Island, prior to making a rather sharp right turn onto 043° to overfly CRI (at 1500 ft) as shown on the chart. In the event (owing, I would of course claim <*cough*>, to lack of familiarity with the terrain), I slightly overshot that initial tight turn and had to quickly get myself back on track at 043° to be correctly inbound to CRI. I had previously put CRI in the FIX page with 041° for my subsequent bearing outbound towards the turning point for the runway, and that showed up nicely on the ND and helped a lot. Naturally, the GPWS was trying to distract me during the final right turn onto the runway by repeatedly yelling about "Terrain!", but I was too busy lining up with the runway to turn it off (see pic 04), and subsequently managed to land successfully without too much drama or spilled drinks in first class.   ;-)


The weather was kind, and it was a very pleasant afternoon's vlying: if you haven't tried Canarsie for a while (or perhaps not even at all?) then I can definitely recommend it.   :-)


I append some pics of the arrival (these were taken using FSX as the scenery generator — next time I try it I'll use Google Earth, which will improve PSX's performance a little).   ;-)




Bruce a.k.a. Brian747



0 Plate - Visual to NY rwy 13L



1 Passing KJFK on the way in (7000 ft)



2 Proceeding past the parkway



3 Do not overfly the Aqueduct racetrack!



4 Always aim for a stabilized approach (ahem!)



5 Landing imminent



6 Now taxy to the terminal






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Many thanks, guys! :-)


See the review linked from here: http://forum.mutleyshangar.com/index.php/topic/14759-aerowinx-precision-simulator-x/?hl=psx

[Later edit: ah, I see you have already seen the linking thread - so perhaps you missed the review itself?] ;-)



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Cheers for that!   :-)




<grin> Absolutely, Brett! Apparently, it's also far from uncommon to receive a last-minute instruction to execute a side-step manoeuvre to 13R!

<gulp> Just when you thought it was as complicated as it could get.... X-)

The lead-in lights help a little, of course, but just the same.... The guys flying that one seriously earn their corn — especially in poor weather!



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