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A flight from Miami to Nassau

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This is a flight that i have done more times than I care to remember, of course back then Miami airport still retained a bit of character, now as most, it is a concrete jungle  a vestige of its former pioneering self.

Here we start at the AA gate:   no that doesn't stand for alcoholics anonymous mind you having created the following scenery , i was forced to imbibe in the odd glass. Dai , no need for you to say anything :)


trying to join the 9 o clock freight dog queue


ahhh finally there what happens next?


Ahh yes is the transponder turned  on?


climbing out, that used to be 36th street on the left , back then it was a 2 way road , with a great toy shop called Orange Blossom Hobbies, i wonder if that still exists?


turning towards Skips over Kendall Tamiami airport


Approaching Bimini and the Bahama Banks


just behind the tail is the Gulf stream thousands of feet deep, the sand puzzle is the cliff of sand descending to the abyss


following the sand banks to the left are the berry islands to the right Andros


under the wing the Berry islands and the tongue of the ocean


just beautiful!!


North Andros


descending over the tongue


approaching Nassau over the tongue where the Americans conducted many undersea experiments from the 60's to the 90's including training porpoises to place bombs under boats and new torpedo experiments which often went awry with locals retrieving the errant torpedoes.


descending to long final


just about to pass over Lyford Key or billionaires row, if you are only a mere millionaire here you dont get invited around to the party


luckily the water is too shallow to take the really big boats


and here we are Nassau


all ready for another flight



I hoped you liked this 180 mile trip

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Hi Geoff, yes it is, sadly cannot get anything in higher definition, but it is a whole load better than the original M.S. offering I am now going to redo the Miami region as there i can definition high enough to see a newspaper in someones arms.

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Nice work BF.

I did that flight in 2011 at Christmas with (would it be) BWIA? All the natives overload the 737 with huge heaps of presents and luggage. When I got to Nassau, the baggage hall looked like it had been nuked - there was baggage stacked to the ceiling. I was headed down there to meet a buddy to go diving for a couple weeks so I had to check my dive bag. Big mistake.

We sat around the marina for two days waiting on the bag to be delivered. No joy! So I hit on the idea to call the airline and tell them that I had heart medicine in the bag and was going to expire if I didn't get the bag ASAP.

Holy Smokes! That lit a fire under them. Somehow they found the bag and delivered it by taxi in a couple hours.

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my first airline job was a partime one as baggage reclaim occifer for Pan Am so know hat used to be involved nowadays with everything being computerised it is much easier to find stuff, in my day one had to telex all around the place starting where the passenger had first boarded then changed planes and where the flight went afterward . sometimes it took a lot of ingenuity to find an errant suitcase.


in my holidays and again just before I came to the uk I worked for a dive boat that took tourists out to the sea gardens from Browns boat yard. the tourists had dive helmets attached by an umbillical air tube to the boat and they could feed the large groupers and other fish by hand. once in a while they would not let go of the food and a grouper sucks with a large amount of depression so inevitably the odd hand would be sucked in. luckily a grouper is quite gentle but has a huge quantity of small teeth set well back in its mouth so our job was to yank the offending hand back out of the groupers mouth which did leave quite a few cuts but the tourists loved it. I am sure if you do a search for ulysses the grouper you will find lots of pics of him on the net.

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Nigel, thanks for that. As you know, I'm not an airline sort of person, but that post ws relly entertaining,particularly as you'd put such a lot of effort into the scenery. And your love of the islands shone through, bach!

Keep 'em coming! :thum:

Cheers - Dai. :old-git:


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Gorgeous work there BF.


Must say, I am a bit shocked that there is an airport approach that goes directly over a row of billionaire mansions, authorities actually listen to those whiners.


Is there a way to dump the toilets just before landing?


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Thanks peeps, since doing this trip i was dissatisfied with the Florida and Miami  scenery so have now redone that to a far more satisfactory level. The level of definition available is amazing I am sure you could see someone reading a newspaper if you wanted such a high level of clarity, personally I find that having it all gin clear at 1000 feet is a nice balance between file size and fsx speed.

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