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New Graphics Card Issues

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I have just installed a new graphics card and I am now having issues with FSX.


The new card is an NvidaGforce GTX 960, and it has sped up my machine dramatically.   Aircraft that I was struggling to get 15 frames par second can now get between 75 and 100 frames per second.


I was impressed until FSX crashed after running for about a minute or two.  I started playing about with the sliders to see if it was a complexity issue. I set the overall complexity to medium and went for a flight. Frame rates were between 175 and 210, very smooth indeed, but after a minute or two FSX crashed again.


I tried with different aircraft, same thing.  I have monitored the card temperatures etc. - all ok


I have Steves DX10 fix on my PC, so I have tried in DX10 and DX9 modes - no difference.


If anyone has any bright ideas on how to fix this I would love to hear them, its very frustrating having spent a load of cash on something that seems to have screwed FSX!!!

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I can only suggest the install of the new card and the FSX problems are mutually exclusive. I just replaced my blown graphics card with a GTX 980 G1 Gaming card and have had absolutely no problems in FSX.

Whilst this doesn't necessarily provide an answer, it might rule out the card as being the problem.



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Not sure, JG, but is this a RAM issue? I guess your GTX 960 has at least 2 Gb - is that more than your previous GPU?

I recently installed a 2Gb GTX 670 (last century man, me!) to replace a 500 Mb 8800 GT. but no issues.

Maybe you'll get more help from the real guru's? Hope so! :thum:

Cheers - Dai. :old-git:

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Ouch! Not a clue but the coincidence of installing the new card and suddenly having problems is too much to ignore. Is there anything on the nVidia support forum (assuming there is one) or any of the other FS sites? If it's happening to you, it's happening to others, if the new card is the problem and doesn't have a one-off issue with a defective card.

I hate to keep coming back to the Task Manager, but does the available system memory seem to be filling up and falling off a cliff when FSX runs?


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nvidia for me yesterday did a driver update, that always worries me but touch wood on a short half hour flight all has been fine, I remember last year one of their driver updates screwed with a lot of peoples P3D.... hope you get it sorted.....



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I have found the problem.  The Nvidia card monitoring software that runs automatically when you start windows is the culprit.  If I go to the bar in the right hand corner and stop the processes all is well.


I just have to figure out how to stop it starting automatically now.  

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