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While waiting for Amanda to complete the job that AH won't let me do in the BT-67, I decided to keep my hand in and pick up a bit of work for Possum's Flying Circus Service. Took on a load of beef, fortunately in the packaged form, delivered to NZPP (Paraparaumau - you have to be a local to pronounce it). 




Flew a short hop, south to NZWN to pick up a load of coffee destined for NZNR (Napier - a bit easier on the tongue). Here's the approach into Wellington.




Then off to Napier to complete the day's work, an easy $74,000 Kiwis.




The C46 flew without a hitch, the weather co-operated (perfect conditions all over the south end of the north island in this simulation).


This is Paul "Possum" Pittwater (a displaced Ozzie) signing off.


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G'day there, Possum, nice going.  


I've always liked the C-46 to look at but am tailwheel-challenged so have never tried to fly it.  I believe I read somewhere that it's the largest piston twin ever built - not 100% sure that's true but could be.



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@Matt - these taken over stock FSX scenery - haven't gotten around to loading my ORBX NZ stuff to the new computer.


@JA - 2 P&W R2800-51's - 2000Hp each at takeoff power. 2 speed superchargers. This aircraft is a pussycat to fly, especially landing, lock the tailwheel and set her down on three points. Takeoffs are a bit hairy when you put that much rubber on the road. If you're interested, here's the filename: C46ga.zip (probably from Vatsim). Details are: FS2004/FSX Curtiss C-46 Commando,  by Libardo Guzman, Greg Pepper, and Tom Gibson,  GMAX Version 1  3/2007

I've done some serious modifications to the airplane.cfg file and the VC cockpit to fly it in NZ. Mine only has a 1000nm range - covers NZ tip to tip. But it lifts  8100lbs of AH stuff with an AI pilot at the controls. 
The airplane was (and may still be) a big hit with the boys out of the 'Knife. Look her up under Buffalo Airways Livery: http://www.buffaloairways.com/index.php?page=curtiss-c-46
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  • 8 months later...

I love my C-46 planes in AH.  I have the Buffalo liveries and full models I got free from the virtual Buffalo airways site.  I also have the Lockeed Electra, DC-4,a nd dC-3's all in Buffalo.  I am right now loving to fly the Electra.  Can haul a massive load, 33,000 pounds I think.  The engine sounds are just great, just like in the Ice Pilot shows.  My C-46 AI pilots can carry over 9,000 pounds.  I even have the CL-215 fire bomber Buffalo planes.  All these are great planes all fixed up by Buffalo Virtual and free to download if you join the site, which is also free.  All of the planes work great in AH.  I have not loaded the 215 in because I don't know what I would use it for, but I do fly it in my Pole to Pole sim for FSX.   Here's the site.  I even have an AH company called Buffalo, of course, based in Yellowknife, Hay river, and Red Deer.   In fact, I'm off to accept a job back to YK in the electra right.now, lol.  AH gives e jobs to many of the same places the real pilots fry to.  And they also give you a couple liveries for the Baron 58 default as well.  They even do he VC colors in Buffal green in the DC3 models.


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great shots March, I do like the C46, remember seeing that one on TV in Ice Pilots. Thats good scenery for default FSX, I never flown in that area but I recall Matt posting some NZ shots, cant remember if that was ORBX though.


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