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When I start FSX no matter which aircraft or which airport there's a constant loud roar like a sort of grey noise.

I usually fly the NGX and always start with a cold and dark scenario, but still the aircraft roars at me.

There's a louder roar when another aircraft passes. I can hardly hear the start-up sounds of my own aircraft.

Toggling the Q key does not change anything. Very irritating.

I hope to get some suggestions to help me solve this issue.

I'm using FSX in DX10 mode with ASNext and Radar Contact on a client computer.



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Have you adjusted the sliders in the sound setting tab?


Try turning the environment slider down to almost nothing and see if that improve the noise..  :thum:

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I wonder if there's an issue with your sound files. I'm assuming that the computer sound card works for other, non-FSX, software.


FSX has a ton of them - some in the directory //.......FSX/Sound and others, presumably aircraft specific, in //.....FSX/SimObjects/Airplanes/[pick a plane].


You comment that it is not specific to any one aircraft, so I expect you can ignore the sound files in the SimObjects/Airplanes directories. I don't think it would hurt anything to set up a new "Sound" directory, renaming the original one to save it, then move the sound files from the original directory to the new one - one at a time. Tedious? You bet! However, if it is one of those files is broken, you'll find it this way.


Best of luck!

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John M (despite being literally all at sea) has made some valid comments, do other programs in your pc exhibit similar problems? If so then as he suggests, your sound card is faulty or sound driver software has been corrupted.


If you don't have a sound card, ie it's part of your mother board then things get a bit more tricky, but rather than replace your motherboard or whole computer, then you could install a sound card which is a relatively cheap option.


My gut feeling is that your problem is a software/sound driver problem.






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I don't actually know. This pc is only used for flightsimming so I've never tried the sound possibilities in other programs. It is an onboard sound chip on my Z97 motherboard.

I'll do some tests tomorrow.



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You can bet it is FSX at fault and not your computer, if it is only with the NGX then it is a sound file in one of the PMDG folders.


Are you also running a add-on Traffic program as they also can cause havoc?

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Ok, I tried reloading a few different aircraft but it;s always the same : I end up loading the NGX and it's perfectly silent (cold and dark)

I then switch views to the outside world: also silent and back to the cockpit and it starts roaring. I managed to narrow it down to the "PMDG737NGX_GRND.WAV" which is the file being played very loudly inside the cockpit.

But then I tried pressing Q a few times and it stopped roaring again.



I'm using Mytraffic 6 (worst purchase ever)

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looking at the sound file ground wave to see where it is used.

It is used for the ground roll of the aircraft so (WARNING) do nothing with that file.

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This is the entry in the sound.cfg for the NGX :



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Just to check something simple, is your FSX/Sound/Setting set to your speaker set up and not on default primary device. Mine is set to Realtek High Definition.

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Try turning your traffic slider down to zero and see if the sound goes away. I think the sound is from nearby traffic. I sometimes even get that effect flying over a busy airport.


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Just to check something simple, is your FSX/Sound/Setting set to your speaker set up and not on default primary device. Mine is set to Realtek High Definition.

yes, it is, and also in the NGX options


Try turning your traffic slider down to zero and see if the sound goes away. I think the sound is from nearby traffic. I sometimes even get that effect flying over a busy airport.


There's actually no traffic at the airport I'm at at the moment but I tried it anyway and the sound was gone!

So I switched the traffic on again and it was still gone.


Looks like there's a culprit here : MyTraffic 6

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