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Blasting Through!!

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Wow, stunning backdrop to a stunning picture there!

The shadow on the wingman i just one of them things that makes the picture that little bit more special!

And the lighting maybe should be a little duller on the planes maybe, as its like the sun is real bright where as on the grand canyon (?) its more dull...

However, as always superb shot!

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Thanks again chaps.

Its funny John, just the other day i saw 2 Harriers fly over which is quite unusual where i live as its usually the odd Tornados but more often F-15's doing ground attack training. I don't recall the name of the dunes they train on but ive been stood under A-10's gunning there and it was fantastic. Anyhoo my origional point was the noise the harriers was incredible compared to modern jets. You actually heard these guys coming they were so noisy. I'm guessing that older jets would make a hell of a noise compared to modern fighters but having never seen them i would not know. Must of been great to see these things fly.

Chris its Arizona and to be honest i have no idea where the crand canyon is :mrhappy: I spent a lot of time toying with the lighting and am very much not happy with it but was the best i could do. The main considerations are not so much ground colour but sky colour. These thing were effectively mirrors and as the sun is still casting light, the sky will also still be quite bright. If you see on the wings, its actually quite close to the colour of the background sky so in effect is probably not bright enough as the sky behind the viewer will be lit by the seting sun. Like i say im not actually that happy with it but sometimes you can over cook the origional and it just starts to look a mess. Its all good fun though :thum: Thanks for the comments, i take everything onboard what people say.


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I've seen single Harriers at air shows, and for sustained noise there's nothing to compare with a Harrier in hover - not even close, though a high-speed, low-level flyby by a B1 Lancer with a pull-up and high-angle climb-out is an attention-getter too. That didn't last long, of course.

Grand Canyon is in Arizona.


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