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So that's what the TOGA is for!

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Nice one, James!


But scary viewing. My reaction was "Surely he's going to... Wow, he's leaving it late... AAARGH!"


It seems a pity the F/O didn't bother to look out of the side window before they entered the runway.    :P


Like Brett, I also wonder what the ATC instruction had been? Normally, at a busy major airport, the instruction would surely be to proceed to the runway and hold at a specified point (or "hold short"), until receiving clearance to enter the runway itself.





a.k.a. brian747


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Read somewhere that they were cleared to cross AFTER the arriving aircraft had passed them.... haven't been able to find a recording of the ATC traffic though..


Also, I think this looks a lot closer than it actually was (still close enough to send shivers down my spine though). The A340 is crossing the runway about halfway up the 8300 feet long runway at taxiway MIKE, and considering it's altitude above the ground the 767 is most likely not yet at the threshold when the Go Around was initiated..


I did the graphics below back when the incident happened in July last year to try and map out what actually went on on the ground.





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The following article seems to be the most comprehensive around on the incident but is still full of he said, they said, we said, no we didn't, statements.


Upshot is, it appears ATC issued an incorrect crossing clearance and extinguished the illuminated stop bars in the process, but there was sufficient separation for the aircraft on short finals to have landed safely regardless... a nice assessment after the fact.






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