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FSX Steam and DCS Steam

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I'm working my way through the Missions and Lessons within FSX and the Acceleration Pack. If I were to install FSX Steam would they still be available AND as I do have boxed versions of the DCS A-10 and the Black Shark, if I download DCS via Steam can I then install those two aircraft from my boxed versions?

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Hello James and :welcomeani: to Mutley's Hangar

I don't believe that the mission and lessons will be available as the two instances of FSX are separate. One of the other guys may know if there's a way of moving some files.

With regard to DCS you can no longer move standalone modules purchased from Eagle Dynamics into the Steam version. You can do it the other way though :rolleyes:

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Hi James, welcome to Mutley's Hangar. :hat:


I believe the Steam addition comes with the same missions and aircraft as FSX Gold but the file structure is different. Once you learn it you can then add other items by following the new structure. I think it would be something like C:\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX.


I do not have the Steam version yet so I am not sure what is exactly included in it. From what I have read being a copy of what was the old Gold version it should include Acceleration. :)


Someone that has the Steam version will speak up I am sure for a definitive answer, I just wanted to say hi. :D

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Hi James and welcome, I use Steam version ...........below is the file structure on my machine for missins location, does this differ from what you have? As for DCS I have downloaded and installed from Steam but its not really my cup of tea so only tried it the once....




the missions file opens to all the different categories so if its the same you might be able to copy it over.....



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Many thanks for your swift replies, chaps.

I'm still pondering about Steam as Froogle has suggested that this initial stage might be just that, with a more reworked and expensive version in the near future. All shall be revealed.

Meanwhile it's very reassuring to find a site that is clearly very much alive and kicking. I look forward to be here frequently.

Onward and upward.

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I went to steam as I had damaged CD, it seems the same as FSX Classic to me, not really any perfomance differences, I only get ORBX/REX/ASN stuff that I can use in Steam and P3D just in case Steam is ever totally knackered......


I would hope that down the line when/if we ever get something new from Dovetail then the lokes of ORBX etc will allow your FSX stuff to be used or offer large discounts... but who knows?



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  • 4 weeks later...

And if I d/load and install the 'Basic' Steam am I then able to buy, and then add, FSX Steam to that account....would you know?

I see that there are quite a few free games available now that will run on Steam, my thoughts being try some of them first of all and then, if all goes well, go for FSX...


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yeah once you download steam you have access to loads of different stuff, some free some payware, I have the likes of ETS2, RIDE, WTCC & F1 from Steam with no issues and always up to date.


I am however having an issue with FSX and have taken it back to its vanilla state, I have been discussing in the past with Steve the developer of IF10 the issues I am having and we believe its because somewhere on my system are remnants of FSX Classic, this then causes issues with instals etc...... bit fed up but concentrating more now on P3D, luckily all my addons for the last 12 months have been ones that should work in both sims....


I assume if you never had FSX on your PC it will all be fine...



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I never had FSX on my PC, but I do have P3D. I have not had any issues with the download of FSX:SE - so no conflicts with the other MS based sim. It runs completely smoothly and at high frames rates without any tweaking (I believe Dovetail have applied a lot of the common tweaks as standard) - I must say I am very impressed. It runs as well and as smoothly as X-Plane, which came as somewhat of a surpise to me considering the issues I am having getting P3D to run smoothly.

So very much giving FSX:SE most of the airtime at the moment - so much so I now run it with Oculus Rift in 3D and loving every moment.



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Have to agree with you Peter the Steam version for me was very smooth with good FPS.. but install issues were driving me bonkers... will sort it when I time but I just want to fly not tweak so its P3D for the time being...


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> "...am attracted by a ' Modernised' version with Steam."

Er, I may get shot down for this, but as far as I was aware the jury is still out concerning the extent of the alleged "modernisations". As I heard it, the license that Dovetail bought doesn't allow them to change any of the code, so the extent of any improvements they can make is limited accordingly.

But perhaps someone has more up to date information?



a.k.a. brian747

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