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Plan G - - Unable to save flight plan

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I am wonderng if anyone else has had this problem - I am running windows 7 64bit; and I am able to create a flight plan etc just fine. But when I try to do something that I am guessing requires a new popup i.e. save flight plan - nothing happens? it just goes back to the map screen.


This also happens when trying to open a flight plan - click open and nothing pops up to select a plan.


I have tried running in administrator mode and also seeing if the popups were behind the other window but nothing.


If someone could please help I would be so grateful as Plan G was my choice of planning tool :)





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  On 27/06/2015 at 20:12, allardjd said:

Did you just install a new version?  Anything changed?




Yeah I had an old version from ages ago - but then I reformatted my PC. Installing the latest version seems to have this issue for me. I may uninstall and re-install but obviously this is not what I would like to do.



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Not sure what's going on there Jim. I have 64 bit Windows 7 also and I uninstalled the earlier version I had before installing the latest one and it works without these issues you seem to be seeing.

I assume you've checked all the file locations are setup correctly - not sure that would make any difference, just a thought really.

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  On 27/06/2015 at 21:54, allardjd said:

...but then I reformatted my PC.

Not sure what you mean by that. More than willing to help but that part has me scratching my head.


Really? this means that I formatted my hard drive and reinstalled windows. So complete fresh install of everything. That's standard terminology from where I come from :)

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I created a plan and clicked the "File" tab on the top-line menu, then chose "Save as" from the new screen.  It immediately popped up a standard Windows "Save As" dialog box.  


I'm on Windows 7-64, using FSX data and Plan-G version 3.1.2.  


Sabre may be on to something.  Have you looked at the paths in File > Options > Locations to see that they are correct? 


Did you rebuild the FSX database (in Plan-G - - -  Data > Build Navigation Database) after re-installing Plan-G and FSX?


Kind of grasping at straws here.



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just out of interest, are these plans the originals you saved or are they one you have exported so they go in to the FSX GPS? I believe they save in a different format and possibly location...


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  On 28/06/2015 at 14:31, wain said:

just out of interest, are these plans the originals you saved or are they one you have exported so they go in to the FSX GPS? I believe they save in a different format and possibly location...


Tried both ways and I do not get the usual windows save dialogue box. It's not that it won't save - it's the fact it can't even get that far to even be able to try :) Without the dialogue box it's pretty limited hehe.

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No idea what could do this.. But it most be something local on your end because I can run that version of Plan-G without issues on Windows 7 64-bit.


It's most likely not the file path settings though, I have a copy installed on my laptop, that does not have FSX installed, and I can run it just fine there as well even with all the settings under the "Locations" tab empty.


Edit: Give Tim a shout over on the Plan-G forum (http://www.tasoftware.co.uk/forum/index.php), even though he lurks around here it feels more appropriate to take the support questions over there so other Plan-G users can benefit from the answers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What happens is **on some PCs** the dialog opens but immediately gets a cancel message and closes again. It happens so fast the dialog never even gets the chance to draw. Why? Not a clue. I've searched the Internet and found a bunch of other developers experiencing the same issue, but no answers. Or at least no answers that work.


Most likely it's a DotNet issue, but I can't be more specific than that.

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Ah ok no problem! I still love the tool and use it for pretty much all my vatsim vfr flights. It just means I have to load the plan every time but a small price to pay for such a great piece of software :)

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If you're using an OS later than XP, there's a beta in the thread stickied at the top of my support forum (it's an X-Plane thread, but the beta will work for anyone). That has a work around which saves a temporary version of the plan before attempting to open the export dialog.


It's not ideal, but its's better than a poke with a stick, and it does get a copy of the plan on disc. You have until you try another export, or quit Plan-G to rename/move it.

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