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Addon scenery fsx steam edition

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Hi all

What addon scenery would you advice to get for my system. Amd black edtion opticore processer amd r9 270 graphics card 2gb 12gb ram running windows8.1 64bit o/s.i have got fsx steam. I am looking for terrain for europe.i have looked at orbx or utx but as i have seen that utx can be hit and miss with fsx steam any good advice would be helpful as i am getting pfpx and the airbus and dont want to face any oom errors or crashes.

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In Europe, I use the Orbx global/vector/openlc package and I´m resonably happy with it.

No problems with FSX-SE so far. I have a lot of free and payware airports on top of it and it works pretty well. I dont think there´s anything else out there that i would prefer.

I have ORBX uk and Ireland regions, but they are not installed because the FPS suffers enormously specially if you use airport addons.


FSX-SE I have set up for two specific flying styles

1) Virtual airline with jets

2) and GA flying in Denmark, northern Germany and the Alps.


I have P3D with the ORBX American Northwest regions. Mainly set up for bush flying.  Since these are not very "civilized" regions, the fps impact is small. I personally find that ORBX regions dont work well in places with many cities and airports.

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Plse note that UTX is not a terrain feature like Orbx FTX stuff, but more similar to Vector ( roads, rivers, railways, coasts, night lighting... ).  All Flight 1 products are now delivered with a triple installer.


I still use my UTX Canada and Alaska together with ORBX regional Pacific Northwest, Pacific Fjords and South Alaska.


For Europe I still have my old UTX / GEX combination as I don't fly much there, I prefer wilder places... And when I do it's mostly night cargo flights for Air Hauler, so I'm not too worried about the landscape.  :)


Thinking about getting ORBX Norway though for a future adventure ...


If I was starting today for regular Europe flying, I would go for Orbx FTX global / Vector / Open LC. If you plan to do a lot of GA VFR flying in the UK, you might consider the regional Orbx England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland later. 



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I use the ORBX/FTX Global,Vectors, Mesh, openLCEurope and a bunch of regions and airports. I fly using a laptop with the specs shown to the left. The only OOM crash I have had is over London which is pretty heavy scenery wise. If I know I am going to fly over that area I just lower my scenery settings.
I don't look at my fps and instead rely on what I can see visually while flying. Pretty much all ORBX/FTX products have custom control panels to adjust for computing strength. I am basically a GA flier so these products fit my needs the best. I know many tube pilots go the photoscenery route like MegaSeneryEarth and add the larger international airports that developers like Aerosoft and others do so well.  
Even though I went the ORBX/FTX route for my scenery I would suggest doing a lot of research, videos, reviews and such to see what is best for you and your flying needs. If you want to know more about ORBX/FTX products you can download a PDF here http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/74345-the-definitive-guide-to-ftx-products-the-go-to-source-of-ftx-information/ 
Good luck to you. :)

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