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I have been looking at the Iris Grob T1 in PCPilot..I like the look of it but I have never had anything from Iris... does anyone here have any of there products?... after buying the C441 from a different vendor I am a bit cautious on going to someone new.



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Hey wain. I have a few IRIS planes. One freeware Texan that is a good looker and flyer. Also have payware BD-5J/G (Terrific little plane), and their Battlefield Hauler. They are not up to Alabeo/Carenado quality textures if that is your concern, but they are decent looking and IMO (in part because I buy most planes on sale...) a good value for my money.


Search for IRIS on some of the freeware sites and you should find that Texan, and maybe more to try some of their Not Quite Payware and to evaluate the 'risk' of purchasing.




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I have three of fourr IRiS products. Two I paid for. F-14 and A-10 and they are both top quality with high def resolution, lots of functionality, extensive documentation and just absolutely superb aircraft. I think they are some of the best payware available. I have some of their freeware which are just older products they now give away and even those are excellent. I don't think that you can go wrong with IRIS. If you are wary, just download one of their free products to get an idea.

P.S. Did you notice my signature banner?

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Thanks Richard, I was not to pleased with a purchase from flysimware and was just checking to see if anyone had Iris, sounds good I think I will now get this one, had not noticed the banner before....


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I forgot, I actually have three purchased Iris products. I bought the DA-42 Twin Star which is a fantastic twin engine GA with a beautiful glass cockpit. Let me know if you are happy with your purchase and post some screen shots

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okay so before I went window cleaning today I purchased the Grob from JF, they do a version for £25 that has a dual install for P3D and FSX, it says Accel or Gold but I have Deluxe and all was fine. Had £5 in credit  from previous popints so discounted to £20 for both versions. Took it for a short flight in both sims, easy to fly, easy to trim. Takes off real easy and lands fine to, thing it would be a pain in the wind though. First 2 shots are FSX the last 4 are P3D.....


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yeah it sure seems like a very easy one to fly, sounds ok but I have no idea if it sounds how it should.....I certainly can see me having a blast with this one....its also comes with a function where you press shift + 1 and a panel comes up with 4 tick boxes, tick these and it will hold altitude, heading and navaid, which is handy if you are maybe a little busy or using it for AH carrying documents and dont want to fly the whole route by hand....


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