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ORBX release FTX Global openLC North America - Alaska - Canada

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From the press release.


"Dear Customer,

The north of North America!

We continue our FTX Global openLC series with the Arctic, Alaska and Canada, covering an area over 12 million square kilometres with FTX Global custom textures and new textures unique to openLC. Taking over 18 months of R&D and data development, FTXG openLC as the name suggests, replaces the default landclass layer with higher detailed and a better variety of land types. This in turn creates a more varied and accurate terrain with FSX or P3D. It has been specifically designed to work with both FTX Global Base and FTX Global Vector as part of the total simulator overhaul. With FTX Global and openLC Alaska/Canada you can now begin to explore the vast and beautiful northern area of North America. Start putting the pieces together now!

- Hand crafted landclass for 12 million sq km.
- Thousands of superb new textures.
- Greatly reduced texture repetition!
- Full five seasons support.
- New 3D night lighting.
- Made for FTX Global and Vector.
- Accurate cities, towns, villages.
- Each geographic area feels unique.
- The second of seven Orbx "mega regions".
- A vast beautiful area to explore!"

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Cheap at 14-15 bucks for what it does but I need a bigger hard drive for all this stuff. My laptop actually feels heavier. :D^_^ :P 
I admit it does look much nicer without all that texture repetition. :thum:
Check out some screenshots and documentation on the ORBX site here https://www.fullterrain.com/product/ftxgolcakcan

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Got it, and agreed about the improvement, and the reasonable price.

The only snag being that I can't remember the last time I vlew in Alaska or Canada. "But that's not important right now...."

However, when they finally get around to releasing the North American chunk of openLC then I have a funny feeling that the price will be slightly different! ;)



a.k.a. brian747

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Don't think so Bruce.

The original plan as I recall was to have the same price for all regions, but since they decided to split NA into two releases John V claimed that the total price for both NA releases of NA land classes would equal that of the EU land class release.


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Got it, and agreed about the improvement, and the reasonable price.

The only snag being that I can't remember the last time I vlew in Alaska or Canada. "But that's not important right now...."

However, when they finally get around to releasing the North American chunk of openLC then I have a funny feeling that the price will be slightly different! ;)



a.k.a. brian747



Don't think so Bruce.

The original plan as I recall was to have the same price for all regions, but since they decided to split NA into two releases John V claimed that the total price for both NA releases of NA land classes would equal that of the EU land class release.



Yes! Micke you are correct.


When John Venema at Orbx originally announced the FTX Global and openLC products, he made it quite clear the openLC packs would be quite reasonably priced. Your link provides the factual information and logic into the pricing structure for the spilt openLC North America versus the openLC Europe product.


As they say, "Seek and you shall find, look and you will see.".

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