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Hi everyone....looking at the F27.. want something around this size but unsure if this has dual instal for fsx and p3d, also it says there is a large manual wondered if it covers most things or just a load of waffle?

I have various aircraft that dont have much in the line of a manual and as I usually just fly GA I want aomething that shows me where the buttons etc are..it needs to have some kind of AP even if basic hold alt and heading. Ob and work AH...

The Fokker seems to fit the bill but any suggestions would help and payware is fine not really had many free ones that I have liked....



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Yeah I read the review and got a lot from it.. just wanted feedback from any owners.. not ready for PMDG calibre yet even though I have been simming for about 20 years at least I have never seriously done the big ones yet.. wondered really if this would be a good move up maybe not too complicated and slightly larger than the usual...


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I own the F.27 and I would say it fits your needs. I can be installed in P3Dv2 although I only use FSX.

The manual covers how to fly the plane and is light on the waffle. It is not PMDG/A2A for sure, but I enjoy it a lot.


Hope this helps


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Its a great plane, not too heavy on technology, so instruments and navigation aren't that much different than what you are used to.

It will Auto Start, but several switches remain Off when you do, check the overhead panel and look for the glaring lights, its pretty easy to spot the inop systems.

It is a great step up to medium heavy hauling, commercial sized, but still only two motors to monitor.


My biggest caution with this bird is it wants to run away on the ground. I found a quick Bump to 50% ish, then back off to 5-10% breaks it free of it's "object at rest remains at rest" state, and then puts it at a resonable power setting to not Run Off...also pulling the mixture levers back tends to restrict fuel flow and "derate" the motors, even at idle throttle it will keep rolling and accelerating if you don't bump on the brakes or detune the motors with the mixtures. Pulling the mixtures back right after landing can shorten landing rolls too.



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Thanks Matt, looking forward to learning this one, I feel I needed to get something that was a little bit bigger but with enough of a manual to learn to use it. As much as I love the Carenado / Alabeo stuff the downside is they ship with very little info. Thanks for the tips......


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As others have stated it's a comfortable step up with not to much added complexity from the default stuff.. Although I suffered from a very strange loss of engine power on the only flight I've done in it so far.... Not sure what 


And once you are used to it and want to try progressing into the larger jets I'd start off with something from JustFlights F-lite series. They are very easy to operate compared to PMDG-planes but give a fair representation of what it's like to fly jets.


If you want to ramp up the experience with prop-commuters go for the PMDG Jetstream J41 or the Majestic Dash 8 - Q400. But both of those are very system heavy and will require a fair amount of manual-studies, and watching YouTube tutorials to get operational.

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I had a little look this morning... all runs smoothly on my system... manual looks very helpful...will play around with things on the ground then do the training flight thats included....hopefully I can stick with this for a while now and thouroughly learn it...I think that way I will get the most from it....

Thanks everyone for your comments and great advice as usual...


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