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My most heartfelt wish is either #1 we evolve into an actual intelligent species before this planet is uninhabitable, or #2  humans go extinct before wiping out the possibility of other life forms evolving into intelligent species on this planet.


I am not counting on #1, or #2 for that matter, and have made no children to contribute to the problems.


Condolences to all that lost loved ones in Paris, the World Trade Center, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Pakistan, Palestine, Oklahoma City, Fukishima, Three Mile Island, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Dresden,...fark this list...and fark the ignoramus people that add casualty sites to it because they think they are SO RIGHT, that others who disagree don't matter. (And I'm not just talking about the suicide bombers, but also the politicians who make the policies that create suicide bombers...I curse all of them...and wish justice is done to all of them, before they kill all of YOUR grandchildren).


Oh shitty new world that has such people in it...


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Thanks everyone for your posts about this tragic event.


We all stand shoulder to shoulder with our comrades in France and mourn their dead as if they were our own.


This topic cannot really go anywhere further so to stop any desecration I will end it here.


Vive le France

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