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North American leg first draft

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I have mapped out a course through the USA & Canada. The Caribbean and South American region will be dealt with at a later time in another section.

I have looked at your suggestions, most of them are in here and I tried to combine long haul, GA and military. The reason for some of the locations are given in the other post but special thanks must go to our man in the States John for plenty of reasons to hang around :mrhappy:

First off is the map, if you click on the image you will be downloading a 1680x1050 1mb jpg which may be clearer. Excuse the errors in names I know Calgary is spelt wrong!


Next up is the plan in a table, if anyone has Excel I can mail it to you just send me a PM


So 17 legs, I think that should be enough? This took a while to do so I hope it is ok. This is by no means the definitive route, if you have any comments good or bad on the route please say now. Looking at it again I think I will include at least one watery landing!

I do not want any bids yet please, I have taken on board what legs you would like to fly and when I publish the final version there will be some names already allotted. There after I will take more bids.

So there we have it.. Over to you.


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Hi Joe,

I'll mail it tomorrow as it is on my other PC.

Sam, I think turning North at SFO is a better option, the zig zag route suggested by Fred was well received so I went with that option and flew back to LAX which gives us a chance to fly across the heartland. I know you wanted to fly SFO - LAX sorry.

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About route allocation.

Here's an idea, what about mailing or PM me with your preferred route. That way I can keep track of the bids better and I would update the departure board with whose flying what (when I post it).

That way there will be no conflict of interests. I just want to make it fairer and easier for all :mrhappy:


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It's just pointless miles...going from one side of a America to the other, to go straight back...

Sam you only have to fly the routes that suit you, let me worry about pointless miles :mrhappy:

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About route allocation.

Here's an idea, what about mailing or PM me with your preferred route. That way I can keep track of the bids better and I would update the departure board with whose flying what (when I post it).

That way there will be no conflict of interests. I just want to make it fairer and easier for all :mrhappy:


Hi Joe,

I like the idea but it would have to work on a first-come first-served basis to keep things fair. Will backup bids be taken onboard?

My suggestion would be just to have a locked topic as the departure board, then all you would have to do is edit it to update. Then any questions, comments etc can be dealt with in the CCC as normal.


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You are reading my mind there buddy, I thought I would make the departure board a locked topic too and as you say the CCC would be for questions (Have you been reading my notes? :mrhappy: )

First come first served would have to be the way to go, but maybe if you were to send me in, lets say 3 legs or however many you want to fly, in order of preference then I could allocate the flights on importance to the pilot bidding?

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I like the idea of the three flights Joe, I think a good way to do it would be if two pilots want the same leg, give it to the pilot who has it higher in his/her preference list, and if it's the same, go back to first-come-first-served.

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Cheers Dave,

I think a new set of rules is evolving here :mrhappy:

Let's see what the others think.

Once they are generally agreed I will make a post with the new rules to make it clearer.

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Yup I like that

I think, as it's busy, i'll give north america a miss

I don't understand Phil? busy in what way?, we will need you here bud!

I'm not taking bids yet, the allocation will be much fairer just watch out for the new rules post in a few days and the departure board.


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Don't worry Phil, it's not official yet but I will be asking for multiple bids from pilots for the whole section.

You will be able to bid for as many legs as you like in order of preference. If there's a tie then first come first served.

When I make the post there will be a day before I start accepting bids and a time from when the PM's will be accepted.

If I were to get a bid for all legs at the second the bids commence then obviously my judgement and decisions will prevail and I will make it as fair as possible.

I hope that's not too complicated!


EDIT: And I will make a post on JF when I publish the departure board :mrhappy:

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I like the route. It hits most of what most considered worth doing. Speed and efficiency rank dead last in the order of things we ought to be concerned about.  Also, I like the idea of opening the bids for a route say a day or two before it is to be flown then everyone who's interested submitting a proposed aircraft, scenerio etc. to Mutley. When he has all the bids in hand, then he can decide who has the most interesting or appropriate proposal. Some of the "bids" I've seen so far read a little like ultimatums. All this far-ahead staking out of legs seems chaotic and I think Mut is getting painted into corners he'd rather not be in.


There's a lot of the world left after we finish Canada and the US, so I think everyone is going to get all the opportunities they want. Actually, Europe got the short end of the stick at the outset and I think it might be a good idea to criss-cross that a bit after coming up out of North Africa.



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Thanks John for your comments and understanding :mrhappy:

The challenge is evolving as we go, learning from previous pitfalls so it should be better and more organised soon.

I certainly agree about Europe, perhaps we wil give it a bit more attention on the way back.


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That's a nice idea Sam, perhaps if anyone wants to take you up on it then they could send you a PM requesting details for their leg in advance, that will give you time to prepare it?

I know a lot of people that use aircraft with FMC may well do it themselves so I don't want you to go though all that trouble for nothing :mrhappy:


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When flying the US legs (including Hawaii), these links may be useful for flight planning...


You guys probably already know all about these.  SIDS, STARS, approach procedures, airport diagrams (as PDFs):




Weather, (if you fly with real world weather turned on) including terminal forecasts, winds aloft, METARs, WX maps, etc:




Maybe this will help someone a little at some point.



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