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Denham Photos- Flying Lesson

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Hello everyone, now some of you may be aware that I am currently doing the PPL at Denham(EGLD) on the Cessna 152. I recently had a lesson Monday 10th August and just before I done my pre flight inspections (fuel, oil and aircraft wortheness) I took some snaps of the aircraft I was flying that day. Also included are a few other shots of Denham I have taken.

The Cockpit:


Close up of the instruments:


Another "Pilot Centre" C152 parked next to my aircraft:


The Pilot Centre headquarters:


Here is the plane I was flying that day but the photo was taken some months before;G-BSDP:


Hope you enjoyed the pictures :-) I have another lesson booked for this Monday (18th).

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Corrrrrr, that Cessna cockpit is nearly as worn and ancient as the Piper I fly in, which is this: :dance2:

http://www.caa.co.uk/application.aspx?c ... gmark=BSVM

Regards, Theo.

Yes tell me about it, I mean they are constantly used but they are regularly checked and serviced. Although it doesn't help that this aircraft in particualy takes serveral attempts to get her to start and the stall warner does not work (found that out when during my stalling lesson, so my instructor was doing the stall warner sounds :thum:)

Thank you for your well wishes "dgor" I actually need to check the weather forecast, I hope you get into the air soon yourself I know how frustrating it must be for you :-)

Thanks guys.

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In Response to Adam, shouldn't you check that during the pre-flight checks by turning on the Master and flicking the stall "tool" on the wing surface? Naughty! :dance2:

I've only just managed to book some lessons, at the start of September - still not booked the godforesaken Air Law!

Cheers, Theo.

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In Response to Adam, shouldn't you check that during the pre-flight checks by turning on the Master and flicking the stall "tool" on the wing surface? Naughty! :thum:

I've only just managed to book some lessons, at the start of September - still not booked the godforesaken Air Law!

Cheers, Theo.

:dance2: How can you criticize my airmanship? My pre flight checks are done thoroughly I will have you know :???: jokes aside; it was actually my instructor that informed me, whilst given the brief it sprung upon him that the aircraft we were using its stall warner doesn't work correctly :doh

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In Response to Adam, shouldn't you check that during the pre-flight checks by turning on the Master and flicking the stall "tool" on the wing surface? Naughty!

There is no 'stall tool' on the wing surface of the C150/C152. You need to put a hanky over the stall warner and suck on it, creating a vacuum and therefore triggering the stall warner

A lot of pilots don't bother checking the stall warner, you shouldn't really be approaching the stall anyway in normal flight, there are more than enough signs prior to the stall warner that you are entering a stall :dance2:

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Good luck on Monday Adam I hope the weather holds up.

That cockpit and panel is in a bit of a state but as you say she is a workhorse!

Enjoying the hangar chat going on here :shrug_no:


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Had my flying lesson today! Tried to get photos of the G1000 system during my preflight but only got one which came out very dark :sad: Was just using my mobile phone. The screens aren't on as I was only preflighting and had the master, standby power and avionics switches off. I should have gotten a nice one when we were waiting on the taxiway after the flight, looking back :poster_oops: Nothing like a full preflight (first flight of the day for G-UFCJ) and cold engine start to wake me up at 9am :whis:


Sorry about the quality again, I'll try harder next time, promise! :thumbup: If nothing else it makes us all appreciate the excellent photos by JPS and Theo so much more :wink:

Anyway, a full account of my first flying lesson in ages is at my blog [/plug]



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Just thought I would give an update as to my flying lessons. I had one today (24th) and we done circuits today but it didn't go as expected.

Although to start on a good note whilst waiting at the hold over the radio the Red Arrows made contact with Denham informing them that they would be flying nearby god that was an awesome message to hear over your headset :dance2:.

So once we got into the air we began the circuit procedures, engine checks, flaps, position etc. At this point the circuit was rather busy. We had to go around on the first attempt as the spacing was no adequate. So anyway we got back around and managed to do 4 touch and go's. Then this was unexpected; on our next one we were informed that it would have to be our last and we would have to land as we had already done 4 T&G's, apparently the weekend rule had come into force at this point :cool: which is supposdly inforced when you have done a certain about of T&G's I believe its 1 or 2 and then you have to do a full stop landing and then take off again, which is rather silly as you spend 5mins on the ground when you could already be in the air and back in the circuit. So due to this my flying lesson was cut short as it was not far from 5.30pm the last landing time and was a bit pointless to go back up. When infact it would of been better to go up as the circuit was now clear. On the bright side atleast I got into the air today as the weather was not looking good this morning :-)

Sorry if this was rather long :blush

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